Friday, December 9, 2011


‘No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.’ Eleanor Roosevelt.

Why someone has to remind us what we lack? Say, I am poor, have slanted eyes and small blunt nose but I do not need anyone to come up in rage and indicate about those deprived departments of mine. I am broke but I am happy that there are millionaires who engage in charity works, at least, they are doing something which I cannot do. There are cover page models who are physically perfect, they are happy, I am happy too, they love compliments, I love it too, only that they get more of it than me. When I see a politician in life size poster, I do not hate them or fear them, they were elected by someone's vote, and that someone is like me, you and people. There was time when I use to look up at the ceiling and cry out loud thinking of all the things people said to make me fell inferior. My pillow was my only comfort, the horizon of refugee and the substitute of one true friend. But things changed zero-me met zero-type friends and that me realized that '0' was the most powerful number in the whole world.

I am still surrounded by people who have the magic of interpreting their dusty imagination as the voice of the public, they breed but never breath, they are born to make you doubt your own worth. They will not hate you but they will hate your guts, the guts to survive even in this ill-rude world. In their eyes it is written, yes; it is marked all over their face that they want to strip you down, want to eat you raw, want to crush down your spirits low to the hell. I believe they will success if only there is misery in our face. But, the philosopher of ancient glory said that, " to mock at mystery, beauty was added, to mock at the time, love was added, to mock at life, humour was added."  I hope all of us got the logic. Yes, I take all the insults of all size like a one big joke from people who in order to hide their inferiority makes others inferior. Most of the time they win, and so I want the victims like me to read this matter who we are, no matter where we come from, no matter where we go there will be the bullies, the maniacs, the chauvinistic, the racist, the sexist, the castist, and some extra 'ist'. But the remote button of the show belongs to us, turn the channel, the hero will be you, laugh at their face and they will be perplexed at our new found expression.

Now, all I have to say is that I am not the first one to come up with this idea, before me was Christ, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr (who killed them? Not aliens), but they did not give up believing what they believe. And I pray on and on that let no one make us feel inferior without  our consent. Amen. Have a pleasant weekend.

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