Sunday, December 11, 2011


Baby, we fought  a million times, broken glasses and hearts;

 In my childishness and in your sanity, we found no common

 You wanted me to change, I had rocket expectations from you,
 Our start was so perfect, I wonder what went wrong.

 You said I am the one to be blamed, You are true;
 But if you did love me so much then why my sorry was never a sorry,
 You said I can never understand you, You are right,
 But if you did love me so much then why we're two souls, two lives.

 You told me that I was selfish, inhumane, you knew it better;
 Yes! I am all these, but this is the same soul which kept you mesmerized for so long,
 Every time you hold me I loss myself to you, and yet you say I always want to be the winner,
 And when you slammed the door in my face, I knew you hate to reconsider.

 You said I have left you bitter with garbage memories,
 If it is true, then guilty be me and the time;
 But for me loving you was never a mistake,
 I wish we could give it a try.


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