Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I have not seen Heaven, I have not seen angels, I have not seen God, but I have known people who make the earth just like the Heaven above. I have a friend who always prays for me, and though we are miles apart; our friendship grows stronger day by day. I have a friend who is somewhere busy honeymooning, but I am always on her mind and every time she calls me up, she reminds me that marriage is such a lovely thing. I have a friend who is very angry with me for not helping her out with a task, but she will cool down very soon. I have a friend who always gave me freedom to do all the crazy things, now she is gone without a trace.....I miss her so badly. I have a friend who loves my writing and always encourages me to follow my heart. I have a friend who is always there for me whenever I need his help, God bless him. I have a friend who is simply a DIVA, we fight, we yell, but she forgives easily, she is simply adorable. I have a friend who is always confused with her love profile, she has always been my strength and she continues to so. 

I have a friend who is so tom-boyish that everyone thought she was my boyfriend, she is very cool, though. I have a friend who is so spiritual, she live, breath and exist by God's grace. I have a friend who is a real bookworm, she is very moody but really helpful. I have a friend who loves gossip, but whenever someone bitches about me she defends by saying," That's not true." I have a friend who reads my blog every day though he hates to read. I have a friend who is a great shopper, I love her sense of style, she has all the patience in the world. I have a friend who loves my cooking, who himself is a great cook. I have an optimist and a pessimist friend, one laughs at my jokes, other cries at my poem. I have a stingy friend, who always gives me miss call (worse is, she gives the excuse that my number was busy). I have friends who are working, I have friends who are rolling stones,  I have friends who are married, I have friends who are single, I have friends who are living, I have friends who are no more (they are now stars in the sky), I have friends of all types, I have friends who are worth calling friends. I have a friend, and her/his friend is my friend......and the circle of friendship grows more and more.

I have a friend who is so dear to my heart, and without that friend, my 'family of friends' will be so incomplete. Friend! 

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