Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Opinions are strictly personal. No harm intended.

1. Never engage in a romantic liaison with your co-worker until and unless this romance ends in marriage. The chances of one of you leaving the office is high if ever the relationship meets a breaking point. 

2. Never assume that your colleagues are your friends. They are just there for their jobs and the pay cheque, but when it comes to promotion they will look out for themselves and overthrow you.

3. Never discuss your personal life with your co-workers. Refrain from sharing your future plans.

4. Even if you don't agree with your boss, never share it with your co-workers, keep it to yourself because everything you share might be used against you. It takes no time to reach the boss' ears.

5. If you feel the office where you work promotes toxic environment and is making you a person you are not proud of then better to resign and be free from all the worries. 

An Allegory on Conformity

There was a village inhabited by scrawny people. They often wondered, why they never put on weight? Once, in their village came an obese gir...