Wednesday, December 7, 2011


True that there are times when I get hurt for the person or a friend whom I had loved the most misunderstands me the most. Worst is when they call out names and abuses me, for their own projection of complexities seen in me; who am I, after all, I am just a white screen, the portrayal of their own burdened soul. Then, God's humour sends this person, He capsules me with a poetic understanding of reflecting oneself- not to judge myself according to the handy mirror of others but with a positiveness of what ought to be done when I know that the flaw in me is just a way to chisel myself for greater battles.

A soul that truly loves me will always want to see me happy. Even when I stumble, the strong arms of destiny cannot mock at me for the wings of that one true friend will flap the degrees of harshness away. The coward's knife which stabs me from the back will melt down in the basking rays of the friend who will be there to mend my ways when it ought to be. The tears will be washed away, the battle will be won, there will be celebration when the slyness of my enemies will be buckled and thrown away to the land of Hades, the race will be won by the chariots of unceasing friendship.

Oh in the arms of a mighty heart driving beneath the ocean of life, I will swim, yes I will, I am the wave, and I have known my Moon...a friend indeed.

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