Monday, January 18, 2021


 Here ‘GED’ stands for Ghosts, Evils and Demons

  1. The favourite room of GED is bedroom. The favourite colour of the bedsheet is white.
  2. Bathroom mirror is their favourite mirror anywhere in the world.
  3. GED’s favourite hair colour is black and most desired hair style is straight long hair. No one really wants bald girls.
  4. Whatever it is, don’t ever wake up if it is 3 0’clock AM.
  5. You will survive the whips of GED if you are the funny one in your group.
  6. It is always good to have a car with a super strong window glass.
  7. GED might attack you when you are bathing but never when you are farting.
  8. GED might come out from television, laptop or mobile phones but never from gadgets having Apple’s logo, why? Because, Apple does not sponsor stupid movies.
  9. It is always good to carry things which have religious significance. The bigger the better.
  10. The network of your phone might just go off. Hence, carry Jio, Airtel, BSNL, Vodafone&Idea SIM card. In short, it's good to be the consumer of all the available telecom service providers, if you are going to a strange new place.
  11. At the end of the day, the theory of existence of GED wins over scientific reasoning. The skeptic stares with his/her eyes wide open as the lady in the white gown does moonwalk on the wall with her head turned 360 degrees.
  12. Animal(s) or bird(s) is/are the first one(s) to be killed. Either falling from the roof or dying without a reason. Poor creatures!
  13. GED does not mind possessing someone even if that someone is making love. Privacy please!
  14. Nothing explains the cause-effect relation phenomena better than horror movies. Every horror movie has a past story. 
  15. Horror movies are the perfect reason why BGM is important (The importance of Background Music in creating chills).
  16. Lastly, it taught me the golden rule - Whatever it is, don’t ever look back. Run to save your life, doesn’t matter whether you are in sneakers, high heels or bare foot, just run!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a excellent blog.It explains to what horror flicks have taught the author of the blog.
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