Tuesday, July 10, 2012


During one of my summer breaks in Dimapur, I got a bad throat infection, getting ENT appointment was not difficult only that I had to wait. So, while waiting for the receptionist to call out my name I got busy by flipping through the tour and guide magazine, then a fascinating question hit my mind; the man who was cleaning the hospital floor was near me so he was the victim of my inquiry. The conversation was in Nagamese: “Oye Bhai, don’t you feel bored at the thought that you will be spending the rest of your life in Dimapur? Don’t you want to go tours abroad? Holidays will be pleasant out there?” Forget about tours never in his life he could have saved enough money to buy a pair of branded shoes. But his answer was not, “How can I even dream off!” His answer was an optimistic one; let me recall what he said, “Life itself is a tour. Now, see the flowers that bloom by the roadside, look at the blue sky and the ground beneath; in every foreign land you will find a sky and a ground. I know that I am heading towards a beautiful place called eternity so why far-off lands?”  I remembered all these words he said and the list of medicines I had to take when the summer break came to an end.

1 comment:

  1. nice!
    really nice... thanks for sharing!


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