Sunday, July 29, 2012


                                                                                 Under the candle light she bakes the bread of hope;
Kimde Marak
Her shirt has stains of vanilla essence, sweet she smells every season,
The cookies on the tray carry the mark of her enduring love;
She sets the temperature for the feeling of warm contentment.
God has touched her pie; it cures the worse of sorrow,
When her finger touches the flour mercy gets a new name;
She gives delight to all the weary hungry souls,
And now all I wonder is when will I get a piece of her magic.


*The edited version of this poem can be found in Ayangti Longkumer's Magic Quill.


  1. Sorry you were alone at your darkest hour. Flash backs of our happy childhood keep coming back. . We've through some hardships together but this time you bottled it all inside and decided it was enough. I still miss your chocolate chip cookies that you sent me before exams. And birthdays/ friendship days will never be the same without seeing your sweet messages pop on my mobile screen. I wish you turned to me. Had I become so distant? Regrets fill my heart for all the times I hurt you - and regrets they stay. Thank you for being part of my life. Our memories I will always cherish . Know that I love you and will miss you !

  2. Through good times and bad time in college we were together but I am so sorry that you were so alone and hurt. sorry my dear friend. Wherever you are god bless your soul. Know that we love you and miss you.


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