Saturday, July 14, 2012



                                                 *a short story based on a true story.....

The way they were forty years ago: They were two inseparable young souls, both so different, in upbringing and beliefs yet both hated cruelty, both glorified love. Everyone was sure that they were meant to be together forever, their kisses produced diamonds, their tears were like sapphires, happiness was the shadow of God and when they looked at each other the sun could shy away. She loved his dreams like her own, he believed in her more than himself, he knew it well that she could be someone great someday making him the proudest of all.

                                              The night that changed everything

Her side:  They decided to meet in their favourite restaurant at 7 pm. The winter chills did not weaken her zeal, she wore her best of the coat, curled her hair the way he admired, and when it was time kissed the mirror goodbye. When she reached the shop, she was surprised not to find him for he was always the first one to show up. She checked her watch, she was ten minutes early, she sat on their favourite corner and began to read the novel she had carried. She stared at the clock it was 8:15pm, fine. Her finger turned to page number nineteenth, it was 8:40 pm by then; she began to worry. She rose up and requested the waitress to make a call but the phone was death. By the way, it was the time when there were no cell phones. She looked through the window, the street looked so deserted, she and the two waitresses were the only one in the shop; they gave her company with pity smiles. She waited for her watch to turn 9 pm and when it did, she rose up. She was angry but most of all she was worried. As she walked down the street, some street urchins whistled, sang songs and started passing malicious comments. Worse was when one of them began to run after her till she got hold of a cab.

She headed to the place he lived, which was a one room apartment. With eyes full of tears she knocked the door, the door opened and there stood a pretty lady in best of warmest dress. That was it, she run down the stairs with only two thoughts: all this while he was with that girl and that she should be at home as soon as possible.

His side: He was a man who always took one step at the time; that night his mind was occupied with the thoughts of her, it was not an unusual thing. He often laughed at the thought of how someone could be as lucky as him, she was everything that he had prayed for and even more. Every minute spend with her was a gift, he knew it and that was why he could not stop smiling over and over while putting on the sweater which was given by her. Then there was a knock at the door, to his utter surprise stood the woman who had deserted him years ago. He met her in a club where she was a popular member, so perfect was she that he was awestruck by her beauty at first sight. They dated for months only to be enlightened at the end that she was a prisoner of her own pride, and she could never consider anyone’s feeling for she was the beginning and end in herself. So, why was she here that night? She has come to say sorry for all that she had done; she would be leaving to a distant shore and all she wanted was good wishes from the people who had loved her unconditionally. They sat and chatted, he was well aware that he had to meet the woman he truly loved and that he was already late but the courtesy in him made him listen to the lady. She had so much to say, he wondered why she had to be so verbose that night. When he could not take it any longer he politely told her that he had to leave, and when he rose up, he heard the door being knocked. He knew who it could be.

He gave a smile of relief when he saw her standing at the door, but was surprised at the weird expression she gave. She ran away, he had to run after her.
                                                                Forty years later

He had to put on his shoe; everyone could be waiting for him on the lawn. He looked in the mirror; just then his youngest daughter walked towards him and arranged his tie. She was always proud of her father and was happy that she had found someone with all the virtues like him. As his shoes touched the velvet grasses, a loving eye watched every step that he took. He walked towards her just like he did forty years ago.

                                              Forty years ago it so happened that

He ran after the woman who had stolen his heart and was in no intention of returning it back. He was always a fast runner, in no second, he got hold of her. He asked for an explanation for her behaviour, she too seeks an explanation; he laid out the reasons, she too laid down the reasons. Both apologized, both laughed at the silliness, nothing was so big a deal for them. They did not yell or shout or slap, the matter got solved under the same winter sky under which the whole night’s scene had taken place. They took a stroll through the town, and before the morn showed its face he proposed her to be his wife.

                                    So it was their Fortieth Wedding Anniversary 

She whispered in his ears, “My shoe strap has come out, but I have no intentions of throwing it away.”

“Why should you? Give it to me, I will fix it. I bought a good clue yesterday; it will just take a few minutes.”

What a Love!

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