Thursday, December 24, 2020

This Cult of Christmas


What have we achieved? 

Electric Lights to hide our darkness.

 What have we focused on? 

Fire to keep our cold hearts warm.

 What are we discussing about? 

Recipes for the perfect Christmas dinner.

 What keeps us happy? 

Gatherings better with boozing?, new clothes,

meeting the ones we love and avoiding the ones who disgust us. 

 What are we praying for? 

Money for a better year ahead.

  What is our definition of blessing? 

Getting expensive gifts.

What have we got by defining a hedonistic life.

Christmas is the day like any other day to thank God the Father for sending His only Begotten Son to save us. 

Friday, October 23, 2020



While looking for solutions to give uninterrupted online classes, we hope the school authority will not forget to renovate the girls’ toilet,

While debating on the New Education Policy, we hope the issue of bully, the importance of having a school counsellor will be in the menu of the school,

While giving importance to career counseling, we hope talks on sex education, teen pregnancy, porn and drug addiction will not escape from the window,

While bringing out dress and manner codes for the students, we hope the crime of ‘Rape!” is not taken lightly putting on dos and don’ts only for the female students.

While organizing religious retreat events, we hope ethics, morality and law are discussed simultaneously.

While highlighting the syllabus, we hope the future importance of that ‘very topic’ is let known to the students. 

Lastly, irrespective of whether 'excess teachers' in Nagaland is a myth or reality, this state deserve teachers who teaches because they have passion for it and not just because they have had not other career options. 

There is much and many more but the charcha is beyond chalk and blackboard



Monday, July 27, 2020

Pankaj Gupta & Hema Chaudhary: The Two Guests or Cases

Pankaj Gupta wanted to be the next Julian Assange, he failed.

Hema Chaudhary wanted to be the next Erin Brockovich, she failed miserably.

                                      But the point is both of them are now arrested. 

Pankaj Gupta: We, the Nagas are skeptical about our politicians. When we say ‘corruption’ the shinning experienced faces of our politicians come to our mind. Questioning the motives, plans, policies and its implementations of/carried out by our legislators is one thing and blatantly attacking them is another thing. But most importantly, Gupta should have checked the timing and the issue. If it was next year then it would have got higher acceptance as it would have been more of a review, review as we know is an assessment of something which has already been done.  We have all passed the stage of Magical Thinking, hence, let facts and figures do the talking and when we say, facts and figures let’s focus on the no manipulated version.  

The Takeaway: Bragging about one's academic and career credentials is not a crime, and it is not bragging if it is true. LinkedIn says it all. However, in Gupta’s case presenting his over glorified curriculum vitae proved to be the Achilles Heel. How? Some people got curious after hearing how a great achiever he was= those curious people searched about/on him online and offline=the truth was out there.

Hema Chaudhary: There are certain ways of conveying our feelings, thoughts and arguments. Yelling, shouting and abusing are not the ways, that’s for sure. What I could see was an activist who was emotionally charged and wanted to show to the world her/his love for dogs (specifically) but in doing so she/he came out as an upgraded dramatic version of our parliamentarians. At the end of the day, she/ he got what she/ he deserved legally! I am happy, there were groups of people with logical comments trying to teach her/him the civilized way but some attractive bunch of people were downright disgusting, mocking her/his sexuality. Come on, it does not matter which gender she/he identifies with, it’s what she/he said about Nagaland that matters, agree?

The Takeaway: On the ban on the trading of dogs and the sale of both ‘cooked and uncooked’ dog-meat Article 371 (A) went cold but when it was about 33% reservation of women in Nagaland’s urban local bodies this very Article became lava.




Sunday, June 28, 2020

TOP 3 YouTube Channels: My Pick

  • First of all, Dreamz Unlimited channel is already super famous. Hence, you won't find its name on the slot. 
  • These YouTube channels are by Nagas from Nagaland (who may or may not be residing in Nagaland at the moment).
  • Make-up, fashion, music, dance, education, job, news events wala channels (sorry, no Naga ama aro aunties laga favourite Yimkhong TV) are not considered here. What is considered? Vlogs with satirical contents, political and humanitarian messages, offbeat and unique contents.
  • Even though this is my pick, I have tried to be as objective as possible. Please don't try to hunt for tribalism angle here, like we always do. Thank you!

3. M Imsong
First Naga female comedian or say character artist. 
Her videos are loaded with humour and moral.
She is funny and her jokes are not racist, sexist, casteist, homophobic. 
She has got brains and it is shown in her video content, by the way, she has an M.Sc degree.
She has strong screen presence, no wonder even with limited screen timing she rocked in Axone.
She is an amazing host (she hosted Miss Nagaland, year I forgot), she is an excellent stand-up comedian but above all she is fun, fearless and a inspiring female.
More power to you!

2. Lambo &Skinny
This thick accented duo reminds me of Ranvir Shorey and Vinay Pathak and the good old classy comedy days.
Their videos are filled with satire, at times it gets predictable but it is entertaining.
I love their coordination and the comic timing.
They are doing their best to improve their content.
Going by the level of energy and enthusiasm they invest, they truly deserve more subscribers.  

Before we go into the Top 1 pick, here are some honorable mentions
Toka Awomi.
The Yatra Kid.
Lolo Ezung. 
Jamir Vlogs. 

1. Mr Smile Diary
He is raw, honest, funny and is blessed with a good hairline.
He has a strong Sumi accent but he does not fake.
His reel girlfriend is Juliet and they make a cute couple...make it real.
I love his contents because it is filled with rustic innocence,
it entertains the viewers although the English subtitles often tend to go haywire.
No wonder day by day his subscribers are increasing.
I am a die hard viewer of Mr Smile Laga Love Story series and you?

I might have missed out certain channels which you think should have been in the slot, do write in the comments below of the ones I have missed but please check the Intro- note of this post before commenting. 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Clear Sign

Are you over with the Axone hangover? Irrespective of what your response is, 
today I am going to share a story about a woman whose dating history is 
nothing less than a romantic comedy.
 Thus, begins this story.

                                                      Location: New Delhi

"She loved reading books, so on that auspicious day, she visited a bookshop. She was browsing through the new arrivals, when a man came up to her and offered to help her with the selection. At first she wanted to decline his kind gesture but he resembled Siddharth Malhotra (somewhat, just for graphic sake), she agreed. By the end of the day they were sitting in a Cafe discussing books.

They exchanged phone numbers. The succeeding weeks were nothing but delightful. It was not so romantic in a conventional way because all they did was talk about books and the authors and weather.  They went to Lodhi Garden, they enjoyed their packed lunch and departed. When she reached home, she realized, she had lost her headphone which she bought for some thousand bucks. It was the beginning of the real ordeal. She realised, every time they met there was something or the other that went missing ranging from pen to scarf. However, the biggest trump card came in the form of she losing her wallet which had 5 thousands in it.

She was clueless like totally clueless. 

 Justice was on her side. It was his birthday, he invited her to his apartment, he said he had a confession to make. She thought he was going to propose her, dating and making it official are two different things, it is all about exclusiveness. It was a 2 BHK apartment, and for those who does not know what BHK stands for, here it is, B for bedroom, H for hall and K for kitchen. The entrance of his room was tidy, no unhygienic trashcan to welcome her. They sat in the hall for a bit then he said he had to show her something, he held her hand and took her to a room which was not his bedroom. That is when she got the GRAND MOTHER shock of her life.

The room which could have been easily considered as his workstation aka office was nothing but a hoarder's room minus the stingy smell. It had everything, including her headphone, pen, notepad, soaps and candles, T-shirt etc. 

He asked, "Do you need an explanation?"

She replied, "It never struck my mind. You seem so perfect and on the top of it, majority of the kleptomaniacs are female. Isn't it? The statistics shows it."

He was so very relax, he told her to take all the things which belonged to her. She was kind enough not to create a scene, she gently requested, "Please, keep it with you. Your hard work deserves it. No sarcasm intended." 

She did not want any birthday treat from him. He narrated about how did it all start, his counselling sessions, the expensive medication, all the technical terms followed which she had never heard of. Her mind was filled with the rocket science and the proletarian revolution, Sun Yat-sen and Bhagat Singh and Sholay and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and Gucci and Armani...Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus!!! Oh! Eshor it was too much for her to take.

She was not a selfish person, GENERALLY! But that day was an exception. She did not want to be the woman who would cheer for him when he finally gets redemption, he might come up with a bouquet of roses to celebrate his victory over his prevailing condition but she was allergic to roses. No, she did not want to wait for that long, indeed, she did not want to be at his place any longer. She did not say it out loud but she was not interested in keeping in touch with him. She said her last ‘good-bye and take care’ wish and walked out. Took the public transport, all the way home she contemplated on which soup to make. Hours later, she reached out to her bag to check whether she had received any text from him only to find her phone was missing. She smiled!

-The End -



This post is dedicated to Ms.Ashibo

she is truly an amazing lady who loves to read, 

cook, eat and pray. 








Monday, June 8, 2020

HALF A BLUE: A Short Story About Desperate Aspirations

During 1990s, YouTube or Dreamz Unlimited was unknown to Nagaland, obviously. The state was still flooded with Chinese martial art and Bollywood movies and the cable television was enjoyed only by the privileged section of the society. Hence, it was hard for any aspiring Naga filmmaker to be optimistic.  

The lady for this story was a government high school teacher who was a big fan of The Bold and The Beautiful, 90s guys 90s, what do you expect. It was a backdoor appointment as her father was the Superintendent of Police of a district, which I should not mention.  She had a Sony Handycam purchased from Guwahati, she really did not know what to do with it. One day, her neighbour cum friend who was a recovering drug addict, thanks to the youth camp, came up to her with an offer she would not deny. They decided to make a good use of the Sony Handycam by directing and producing a 45 minutes long Nagamese movie with only two characters, it was a super low budget movie.

For two straight days, she worked on the script. When it was done, she read it out loud. He was not convinced with the story. He said, 'Can’t it get more cliche than this?'  Well, she wrote about a man  meeting a woman, falling in love but left unexpressed, after a leap of five years, he meets her again only to find out that she is a ghost because she in person has died. He gave her suggestions like, a revengeful man kidnaps his boss' daughter, an angry boyfriend, an enraged husband. They had a big argument. She had a problem with so much of hatred which he required in the story. She hated violence, she told him that the story should be women friendly. Finally, when she threatened to walk out of the classified project, he had to give up on his demands and settle for what she had to offer.

For the male lead, they decided to negotiate with her police dad's bodyguard. It was easy to convince him as he had a beautiful history.  In his early 20s, he wanted to be a Bollywood actor, if not the hero, essaying the role of a villain would have been happily embraced by him. However, when he reached the film city in Mumbai after changing four trains from Dimapur railway station to his destination. He knew having blessed with mongoloid morphology, he did not stand a chance to be in Bollywood except being mocked as, ‘Chinky!' by the pedestrians. He took the same train and returned to Nagaland. The newly constituted filmmakers took advantage of it. They invited him for a dinner and shared about their project. He immediately expected the proposal but there was a condition, his six months pregnant wife should not get an ounce of hint about the project till their baby was delivered. The pact was sealed.

Then the time came to hunt for the female lead. It was the most difficult part. No woman from respectable family would agree to be casted. They shortlisted four women who some how agreed with the right kind of persuasion. First was, a nurse who worked at maternity clinic. The male lead was not comfortable to work with her because of her occupation. The second was, a pan-shop owner, the male lead informed them about the rumours surrounding her moral character and how they suspected her of having STD. Although the film did not have any intimate scene not even hand holding, the male lead warned them that he did not want to take any chance. The third was, a Sunday school teacher who was automatically rejected by the male lead because he thought she was too fat to be his reel love. Those days, Nagas were not sensitized on the issues of  body shamming. Finally, they settled for a beautician who was blessed with a good face and physique but most importantly who was open to all the adventures which life could offer.  In good spirit, she said, “I am confident to show my face but I will do my own makeup and hair.” The only condition she placed was, the movie should be released after her wedding, which was scheduled to be held in the end of that year. They did not have a problem with her condition as the final engagements would take time.  Hence, it was readily agreed. Thus, everything was set. 

The day of their first shot was memorable in its own way. In the first scene, the female lead was supposed to sing and play with her hair. Nothing was hilarious about the scene but the male lead burst out laughing every time she sang. He laughed basically because of two reasons, she had a pathetic voice and she acted too chirpy which was not part of the script. 

The shot was cancelled for the day. They were having a cup of tea in a shabby roadside hotel when two policemen approached them. They told that they have been informed about some vulgar movie production by the pan-shop owner who failed in the selection round. They told them the truth but to no avail. The older policeman's took the script which was on the table and instructed them to meet him in the police station. Hours later they found themselves anxiously waiting in the lobby of the police station. 

The inspector told them, content wise he did not find the story objectionable rather it was juvenile and the scriptwriter lacked imagination. Which made her feel insulted. He shared his personal story too, he wanted to be a writer but ended up in a wrong profession. At the end, he told the lady, "Your father won't be so proud of your time-pass project, your school won't be proud too. This is not an age to engage in childish activities. We better keep it to ourselves."

She wondered how a 22 year old Naga lady would behave in the year 2020, for in the Nagaland of 1990s they were expected to behave really grown-up. Outside the gate of the police station, the pregnant wife of the male lead and the fiance of the female lead waited for them in utter frustration. No couple fight could be witnessed, the silence said it all. 

Everyone left without a word, embarrassment was the reason.  She walked all alone. She took aimless strolls and when she reached a building which was under construction, an insatiable curiosity filled her.  She wanted to film the view of the city from the top of the building. As she ascended the stairs, she started to film random shots, it made her happy. Suddenly, two men hastily ran down the stairs, roughly hitting her right shoulder with one of theirs, the Handycam fell from her hand. She cursed those careless men. She admitted, she was experiencing a bad day. The Handycam had captured the faces of the two men, she thought she will delete the clip once she reached home. When she was on the topmost floor, she saw an ambulance entering the opposite building.

Someone must have had a cardiac arrest,” she whispered.

Minutes later, she walked out of the building, a huge crowd and police vehicles had gathered on the street. When she enquired about it, she got to know that a high class real estate contractor had been shot dead and primary investigation was going on. After having a long day herself, she did not want to hear a crime story. The next day in the local newspapers, she read in detail about the contractor’s assassination story. It elaborated, he was shot dead because he refused to pay the extortion amount. The killers were unprofessional shooters, they used a long range gun targeted from the under construction building opposite to the late contractor's house. It further stated that anyone who gave information about the assassination to the police would be handsomely rewarded.

It rang a bell in her head. She switched on her Handycam, she knew she had the footage of the killers. More than happy to help the police, she was afraid of the consequences, the revenge often continues. But she decided it was high time she did something of her own which would make her family, friends, her neighbourhood, her society and most importantly, herself proud.

Her friend showed up with another project, she told him to accompany her. He was confused, throughout their scooter ride he kept on asking where was she taking him. When they reached the police station, he thought the second round of interrogation was ridiculous and shouted, "I am not going there again!" Without listening to him, she entered the station and handed over her Handycam to the Officer in Charge. After thorough analysis of the footage, they were confident that the case has been solved. After two months, she was called to the police station and was treated like hero. By then she had resigned from her teaching job as it was not attained through merit.  

Year 2020, she is now a social activist blessed with an amazing husband and two children and three dogs. There is a word which is framed and kept on the entrance door of her home. It says,  


**This anonymous lady is often credited as the first person to bring citizen journalism to the state of Nagaland.**


-The End-

Friday, May 22, 2020

5 Ghost Stories from Nagaland

We are the product of our own actions, thoughts and its consequences. The Ghost of guilt, regret, redemption and acceptance do follow us now and then.

Story 1

For years, Abeni felt someone was following her. When she was alone she could sense the presence of an energy. It was driving her crazy. She cried helplessly. Little did she know it was the same feeling the countless women have felt when they became the victim of the rumours she had spread.

Story 2

Toshi was having his dinner when three naked women from no where started serving him the dishes. They  were beautiful endowed with the breast sizes which he had often fantasized. He got erection. Just then one of the women unzipped his trousers. He could not believe his luck, thought she was going to get dirty with him. But to his utter shock, the other one brought the dao (Naga machete) and chopped off his penis. He could not explain the pain he was going though, there was blood everywhere, he could not breathe. He knew he was dying, while the three nymphs were laughing at his destiny. He wish he took counselling for his porn addiction before it killed him.

Story 3

It was 12:00 PM.

Denizens of Dimapur were cursing its brown, hot, dusty summer. Roko was inside his car, unlike his town people, he was getting chills. The AC of his car was not working for several weeks now. He wondered what was happening to him.  He remembered Ati, his first girlfriend who took care of him when he got pneumonia during their college days. She loved him selflessly but at the end, he cheated on her and broke her heart. It was 12 years ago. Then we remembered Yanbe, she was the one to whom he lost his virginity, she was the longest relationship of his. He promised to marry her, he showed her dreams colourful and everlasting. They past their time choosing the names of their future babies. Yanbe was an angel, kind and gentle who could do anything to see him happy. But, when Vili showed up in his life, he rewrote their stories. Yanbe could not offer any thing which Vili probably could materially. Thus, their chapter ended.

Vili was seven years his senior, she was his boss at work. She was charming, smart, rich and independent. Roko in no time made a place in her heart, and within two years, she built a house for him, took him for foreign holidays and bought him two cars, indeed the one he was driving that day was a gift from her. He did not want to let go of her, like ever. They got engaged a month ago. The only problem was, he did not really love her. Indeed, he never really loved anyone. He was one hell of a selfish bastard. None of the ladies that loved him deserved to be with him. What they do deserved was a sincere apology, if only he could.

The police team surrounded the scene. One of them shouted, "He is dead!" 

Story 4

Christy was alone and lonely. No friend at school or church. She was ugly, fat and poor. On the top of it, she lived in a judgmental society. To end her misery, she came up with an idea that would help her to make new friends. She decided to make friends by sharing them her lunch box. She told her mom not to help her, she was a big girl now. After she set the noodles in the box, she put some thing  on the top of it, it was red in colour. She knew it will be an instant hit. When it was lunch break, she gently opened the lid of the box and offered the noodles to the girl next to her. At first the other girl was hesitant to accept it, but when she finally did, she would not stop. She totally loved it. In no time, Christy's noddle recipe was the talk of the school. Everyone wanted to be her friend, just to have a taste of her noodles. 

Little did they know, it was not the noodles but in the nameless red stuff where the magic resided. One day, she did not come out from her room to go to school. Her mom was confused. She called her name but she did not respond. She went to her room and saw blood all over the floor.

She whispered, "Mom, please tell my friends, I don't have any piece of my heart left to offer them."

To this, her mom coolly replied, "My sweet child, let me help you with your eyes. Let's feed them these, a really special recipe indeed."

Story 5

Richard knew his Christmas will be ruined by the five constant guests who visited him every evening for the past one month. He stayed in Kohima while his wife and children stayed in their one crore worth mansion in Dimapur. 

"Why do you always come uninvited? No one can see you, if I tell any one about this then they might think I have gone crazy. Will you ever forgive me? I want to live in peace. Leave me alone." He screamed.

As usual all they did was smile.

"I know how to end this." He ran towards his closet.

Next day, the headline in the local newspaper ran as,


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Effects of COVID19 in Nagaland

The researchers say, years from now COVID19 will be like any other seasonal flu, which means it is going to stay but with the discovery of vaccines, it won't be as fatal as it is now.  Nagaland like any other states/ UTs of India might witness some policy or lifestyle changes, minor or major. In this post, I would like to highlight ten things which Nagaland might happen due to COVID19 pandemic. This is just a hypothesis and some of the points may be so obvious and in line with what the readers have thought.

1. The Festival 


2. The Alcohol  

3.  The Education 

4. The Jobs

5. The Wedding Industry

6. The Transport

7. The Question of Water Availability

8. Smarter Citizens

9. The Diet

10. The Most Awaited Medical College

Thursday, April 2, 2020

To COVID19 from Nagaland

O Corona, Corona, how maligned is your name.
You took more than what you deserve and is hungry for more.
If you were a beast, you need time for digestion.
You are a wave with no introduction.

You were never a guest, the world in wondering, who invited you?
O Corona, Corona, we hate you.
So many news about you, fake and fact.
To treat you is so expensive, we are paying for your pricey act.

O Corona, Corona, don't be a sadist,
We are under a locked down, notice?
Bury yourself in Venus' arms,
Least the blue planet will be begging for alms.

O Corona, Corona, goodbye for now, then, eternity.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Racism in India in The Time of COVID19

Just because we look like Chinese, we have to face scenes of racism in mainland India at the hands of some ignorant people. But the truth is, COVID19 is an imported product. It is not indigenously developed under Make in India Initiative. It is not that we were cooking axone, pork and bamboo shoots to make coronavirus in our respective kitchens. Come on, iPhones are made in China, why don't they call us, 'iPhones' instead.

We can reclaim the word 'Chinky'! Chinky means a cool, trendy and smart looking person having Asian features. But to be teased and mocked as, corona or coronavirus is something which we will never be interested in owning for we respect the lost lives. If the virus which originated from Wuhan, China (although there are conspiracy theories surrounding its origination) can lead to such display of racism in India then just imagine if tomorrow India declares a war with China.

It's time for the educated mainland Indians to educate the ignorant mainland Indians who think hating people from different race is cool even during the times of pandemic. There are numerous ways to kill one's stress and frustration, making someone feel inferior is not one of them.

The Government of India should also work to bring about insertion of Clauses where racism is a punishable offence in the Acts or Laws dealing with epidemics, pandemics and disaster management in India.

Monday, March 2, 2020

1998 & Hottest & Happy

He was a druggie, high on cough syrup, painkillers and marijuana,
Disowned by his family, he sold everything he had including his soul,
On weekends he went to the glittering town to avail himself as a sex provider,
Never got any lonely lady pregnant,
Never wrecked any home of the rich faggots.

Everyone thought he would make an outstanding doctor,
But never a whore.
He was a brutal giver in words and in actions.
He hated everyone including his mom and the God who never answered his prayers.
He tried killing himself like thrice.
But his death too was hopeless like him.

Then came the day, he decided to live.
Tested positive with HIV AIDS, he wanted to march with the band.
It was too late to be happy but he was happy,
Though his body was cold yet he was the hottest man who lived.
He died a contented man with no one to blame for his death.

This story is not about you...
Take care.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Dear Duke 4

Dear Duke 4,
                    I am letting you go for we are two different individuals, we can't be together not yesterday, today or tomorrow. Good that we didn't even try but before I let you go, there are some things I want you to know. Please don't hate me for this.

You must be doubting whether this note is for you or for someone else, it's for you, idiot! After all these years, you are still my doubtful hope, the one who loves with the mantra, everything or nothing at all.

You played your cards good but I consciously ignored it, I always wanted you to be a good player. One spark is all it takes, they say. In our case, it was your sense of gratitude that made me fall for you.

I might have hurt you, I apologize. I know all you have for me is respect, I won't let it evaporate by begging for your devotion.

I am still scared of crossing the road at night. Many men has walked before me, you're the only one who held it right and tight. That night I knew you would be the man with whom I can share my deepest fear. But you are the one who scares me the most for I am good in losing the ones I love the most.

You made way for the love to come in my unconventional life. You asked for nothing yet I lost everything. Your teases were brutal but I know deep down you did had a little crush on me. I am glad you did not say it out loud.

Our love story was meant for higher TRP, it was never in my favour. I was casted not even for a supporting role, you belong to someone else, your wedding picture will look good sans me as the bride. That's for sure.

But before I let you go, promise me never to ask who my Duke 4 was. You almost got me once. Please save me from this major life threatening embarrassment. You know it's you, just pretend you don't.

And as we end this note, let's act as we are, never lovers.

PS.White really looks good on you, you should make it your signature colour.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Unpaid Reviewer

In the month of December 2018, I started off with a project to review books written by Naga writers. It was a humble attempt to understand the literary scenario of our state. I posted the reviews on Instagram under the pseudonym, The Unpaid Reviewer (TUR). I was not paid for the reviews. Hence, the name was justified. 

Basically, TUR reviewed only fictions the only exception was Monalisa Changkija's The Middles. Quite shamelessly, I bragged about my two books too, God has forgiven me for that. 

Well, things were going smooth until TUR's eyes strain, personal problem and time constraint came like the three horsemen. Result? The project came to an end, the account got deactivated. 

Anyway, the following are the observations made by TUR in its short engagement,

1.Naga writers should be encouraged. Buy their books. Don't ask for free copies.

2.Accomplished Naga writers should create platform for the budding writers.

3.Naga writers should be brave and interesting enough to explore controversial topics. Get out from the comfort zone.

4.A good satirical novel should be on the way.

5.Erotic fiction is something one cannot expect from a Naga writer for another 25 years?

6.There are more poetry writers than story writers, and maximum fiction writers (Naga) are women.

7.It takes certain level of emotional maturity to connect with the readers.

8.Naga writers should be able to take constructive criticisms. TUR received DMs written by 'bruised ego' hands.

9.Having an English major doesn't make someone a great writer, it's all about imagination.The rest can be handled by a good proofreader.

10.At least thank the reviewer who reviews your work. Not mandatory though.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Revisiting the Top 5 Scams of Nagaland

This is just a personal evaluation. Hence, I might have missed out the cases which you think should be in one of the slots. Plus, individual cases have been omitted, only the institutional level charges have been highlighted.

1. The NPSC (Nagaland Public Service Commission) Scam

There was time when  scams related with state public service examination was a phenomena heard from almost every corners of our country. Nagaland was not an exception. From leaking of question papers to making the candidates attempt the paper from their irrespective homes to manipulation in viva-voce marks to reappearing for the first two tiers etc., did the rounds. Segregating rumours from facts might not be easy but what is easy is, doing a Google search and finding numerous articles about it. The controversy might have dampened a little but it often finds its place in the newspaper columns.

2. The Social Welfare Scam

Way back in 2012, the Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) exposed a scam under the Social Welfare Department. Basically it was regarding the sanctioning of money, like lakhs of it, to bogus societies (Refer, Nagaland Post article dated November 23, 2012 under the heading, NPCC exposes major scam in Social Welfare Department). Social Welfare, right? Agar hum kahe toh kare kya, bole toh bole kya.

3.The NRHM Scam

This was an interesting case, it found its way in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court. The Naga Mother's Association (NMA) filed a petition against the state government for its inaction to demands for probing the scam under the National Rural Health Mission. How did  it start off?  

"NMA alleged several anomalies, particularly in Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), where some of the women beneficiaries were not paid money and even discrepancies in the grant for birth of boy and girl child...NMA also alleged that funds under NRHM were being mis-utilised by the department where officers “rampantly” drew money under various excuses including community monitoring. It also alleged that some doctors turned contractors and suppliers." (Reference:

Wow! This looks like one holy messed up affair.

4. The Scholarship Scam

During my college days, scholarship was either irregular or way too late from the scheduled date. However, history loves to repeat itself and even after a decade the story is pretty much the same with the exception, the students of this decade are well aware of their rights. The respective department along with the concerned minister (no matter from which party) has often been brought under the scanner. We hope change comes soon. 

5. The Police Modernization Scam

When Mumbai Attack happened way back in 2008, this was one of the newspapers' subtitle,  "Mumbai Police fought AK 47 wielding terrorists with obsolete .303 rifles."

We pray this situation does not happen in Nagaland. We know the weapons or the mode of communication use(d) by the armed police in Nagaland is 2G. It will be an utopian dream to think about having a NYPD makeover. Nevertheless, crores of money was granted for a grand upgradation but it hardly materialized as it was sabotaged by corruption. 


Monday, February 3, 2020

Talking About Poems

The ancient world used to sing about beauty, snow and flowers, moon and wind, misty mountains and gregarious rivers.

Today, we argue about iron and steel, pollution and toxins, nuclear war and yes, the Coronavirus.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

What Can Kill the Leviathan, Today?

*a short metaphorical note on the power of the sea.

When Thomas hobbes wrote the Leviathan in the year 1651, he had so much to say about its power and the channels through which the Leviathan could derive its power. For those who does not know what Leviathan is, it is basically a monster in the form of a sea serpent from Jewish belief, which finds reference in the Book of Job, Psalms, the Book of Isaiah and the Book of Amos. Thomas Hobbes whose father was the vicar of Charlton and Westport must have had a good imagination to use this creature as a metaphor to put forward his arguments on Statecraft. 

Although the purpose of politics might be same as it used to be in the 17th Century west Europe. However, the understanding of politics might have changed worldwide in this 21st Century. The point we want to make is, the politics of the contemporary world cannot ignore the importance of 
'The Sea', the medium through which Leviathan breeds and exists. The toxins which is poured on the sea might make the life of the Leviathan miserable but being a monster it is, it adapts with the very sea irrespective of its high toxicity. Thomas Hobbes might have little to no time to research on the importance of the sea, the habitat of Leviathan. But the politics of this century cannot negate to assesss the relevance of the sea. 

Leviathan is no stronger than the sea, never was and never will be, for the sea was created before Leviathan. The sea does not know its colossal power. But the old man once said, the calmest sea brings the deadliest of cyclone. That is the power of the sea. Wipe the Leviathan if it tries to tame its waves. Indeed, history was shown the power of the sea.

Now, the question is, who or what is the Sea?

The People!

Naga Kitchen Garden Diaries: Organic Tomatoes

  Most of us may have heard of ‘La Tomatina’ also known as, The Tomato Festival, celebrated in Spain. It started off in the year 1945, and i...