Monday, March 2, 2020

1998 & Hottest & Happy

He was a druggie, high on cough syrup, painkillers and marijuana,
Disowned by his family, he sold everything he had including his soul,
On weekends he went to the glittering town to avail himself as a sex provider,
Never got any lonely lady pregnant,
Never wrecked any home of the rich faggots.

Everyone thought he would make an outstanding doctor,
But never a whore.
He was a brutal giver in words and in actions.
He hated everyone including his mom and the God who never answered his prayers.
He tried killing himself like thrice.
But his death too was hopeless like him.

Then came the day, he decided to live.
Tested positive with HIV AIDS, he wanted to march with the band.
It was too late to be happy but he was happy,
Though his body was cold yet he was the hottest man who lived.
He died a contented man with no one to blame for his death.

This story is not about you...
Take care.

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