Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Unpaid Reviewer

In the month of December 2018, I started off with a project to review books written by Naga writers. It was a humble attempt to understand the literary scenario of our state. I posted the reviews on Instagram under the pseudonym, The Unpaid Reviewer (TUR). I was not paid for the reviews. Hence, the name was justified. 

Basically, TUR reviewed only fictions the only exception was Monalisa Changkija's The Middles. Quite shamelessly, I bragged about my two books too, God has forgiven me for that. 

Well, things were going smooth until TUR's eyes strain, personal problem and time constraint came like the three horsemen. Result? The project came to an end, the account got deactivated. 

Anyway, the following are the observations made by TUR in its short engagement,

1.Naga writers should be encouraged. Buy their books. Don't ask for free copies.

2.Accomplished Naga writers should create platform for the budding writers.

3.Naga writers should be brave and interesting enough to explore controversial topics. Get out from the comfort zone.

4.A good satirical novel should be on the way.

5.Erotic fiction is something one cannot expect from a Naga writer for another 25 years?

6.There are more poetry writers than story writers, and maximum fiction writers (Naga) are women.

7.It takes certain level of emotional maturity to connect with the readers.

8.Naga writers should be able to take constructive criticisms. TUR received DMs written by 'bruised ego' hands.

9.Having an English major doesn't make someone a great writer, it's all about imagination.The rest can be handled by a good proofreader.

10.At least thank the reviewer who reviews your work. Not mandatory though.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Ayangti Longkumer for your effort. I wish the so called Naga writers will at least read this post and will be prompt enough to thank you.


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