Sunday, September 29, 2019


My very first recital:
 Played a piece from my Grade One book.

Learning does not have a period.
Life is all about Learning and Growing.

Nagaland is the first state in India to have introduced music as an industry. But in the process, it has produced some trashy music too. No offence!

My zeal to learn piano and the number of hurdles, which I faced is relative, if measured. Learning to play piano in one's early 30s is not so easy. Matured fingers, not little fingers anymore. However, I decided to give it a try again for the fourth time. Yes, 4th time! First, when I was in 5th standard, then, when I passed my +2 standard, then, when I was in my first year of PhD, and now. 

Why I am desperate not to give up? Learning has no age limit, I don't desire to be a concert pianist, I am a nervous freak or a YouTube singer, I am not blessed with good vocals.

Motivation? I am the third generation of literate Christians of our family who might end up not knowing even basics of piano. At least, I want to make my mom happy by playing the hymnals with simple notes.

One of the Days: Returning from my Piano class
Not a big deal even if one doesn't know how to play piano because music has no scope in Nagaland? Say it to the Naga parents in Nagaland. It looks like every household has a child undergoing engineering studies these days. Time to observe the National Engineer's Day. In days to come, the number of unemployed science graduates might supersede the unemployed musicians. 

Am I happy with the progress? My piano teacher who is like 7 years younger than me says, I am a fast learner. I am in Grade 2 now. Initial went smooth, Grade 1 has its own challenges to be met and yes, Grade 2 too demands immense hard work. I am confident that I can do it.

Before I took up the piano classes, some of my close ones were like- As a working professional, how are you going to manage your time? Are you suffering from mid-life crisis? Your finger dexterity will be a big  challenge, etc. 
But I went on. 

am determined to get my Grade 8 certificate within 3-4 years. I can, I will, end of the story.

Now, wish me luck.
Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. You are someone with great determination and when you say you will, you make things happen. And I can't wait for you to be my accompaniment:) I will pay you huge lol. Keep playing Ayang 😍


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