Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Feasting of an Unsound Mind

The ponder...

I am seriously curious to know how this planet will look like in 3019AD. Would there be a traffic jam in the sky? The denizens of this planet might live in floating houses, there might be electronic pets and might be no rainbows in the sky, but will the people have the time to allow themselves to engage in small leisure like reading under a tree, which I enjoyed in 2019? Will there be poets to write the eulogy for the soul departed? Will there be painters to appreciate the nature’s hues? Will there be musicians to bring melody when lives get stuck? Will there be sportspersons, movie stars, and beggars walking on the street? I am just curious. 

We might call technology today, but, in 3017 will it be known by another name, maybe something synonymous to ‘life, survival, and existence.’ I wonder what kind of emotions the inhabitants will feel. Will gratitude still exist? Will they make passionate love? Will jealousy be completely wiped out? Will words like ‘lullaby’ and ‘serenade’ make sense? Will there be love  and will the love have compassion and will the compassion have beauty and will the beauty have magic? It is a matter of thousand years, and thousand years is just a mathematical spin with no answer.

The happy union of Space and Time

May be the Romeo and Juliet of 3017 will be Space and Time. The people might discuss of how pathetic lovers they are, possessive to the core, cannot even survive without each other, ignorant of who dominates over whom.  But, the world does not know that it is a love triangle, some guess the third lover is the Speed, some guess the third lover is the Distance, only those who knows about the depth of this union knows it is neither the two because they are the children of space and time and incest is a crime. Bets were on Energy? But, Energy is the servant of all; it works on the mercy of the lovers and their children. So who is the third lover? How are we supposed to know! For the day people come to know about it, it will be the day when time machines will literally work, like it did/does in movies. And some adventurous person will ride back to 2019 AD from the century where he/ she belong to have a chat with me.

Then comes the ultimate Curtain Raiser,

An artist world is big within her, but in reality consists of her and her imagination,
Some live with an image of glittering glory, some with broken dreams and bad memories,
She have lived a quarter of her life in quest of appreciation and recognition, both far to reach,
Wishing on a shooting star, night after night, only to learn it has fallen in the pond of the fools.
Wanting so badly to be out from the zig-zag road,
Like an artist, she tried to earn a living with the talent she thought she had,
Not a muddy shoe or a discounted dress could be bought, yet the debt clapped the sky,
And the sad song of lamentation went for long.
Some say there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but it was long,
Waited and waited still,
With hopes, inferior words and unskilled hands,
But the story of her life must go on, the curtain raises and the game begins.

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