Wednesday, September 25, 2019

IF YOU: Songs of Love


If you were my classmate,
my eyes could have searched for you after every boring lecture,
in the library, in the cafeteria, in the playground.
People would have said, there goes the arrogant girl,
but my eyes would have smiled at you, always.

If you were my neighbour,
I would have been the first one to wish you on Christmas,
would have played your favourite song on full volume.
People would have said, the crazy girl does it again,
but my heart would have stayed the warmest even in cold January nights.

If you were my colleague,
I would have fixed my table next to you,
would have bought coffee every morning even if I were tight on budget.
People would have said, she is being unprofessional,
but my mind would be clearer when you are nearer.

If you are mine,
I will be the hero of this town,
will thank God every day for the rest of my life.
People will say?!
It doesn't matter what they say,
for in your eyes, I find my soul.

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