Was busy, so this is the first prose of the year.
I write: It is a (un)usual thing that almost everyone looks good in winter, Delhi is bitter as ever but still people are in high spirit, loud and it goes on. Today evening I saw a brave young lady having ice cream, she was in slippers with no socks, all I could do was stare at her and salute her mental strength. Anyway, if we talk about what to wear and what not to wear in winter then it all comes down to what makes you feel comfortable and what keeps you warm. Most of the girls I meet are soberly dressed, they really compliment the weather, on the other hand, 70% of the guys dress in the same black something, and the cool ones goes for leather jackets.
Personally, it is my secret winter wish to meet a dashing young man who wears cardigan and looks good in it, but sadly, I see only the elderly man in it, that too in cream and gray...boo hoo, sob, sob. One friend of mine bought a cardigan, only to locked it in his cupboard saying that it will make him look old and nerdy though he looks like one. I see no wrong in wearing cardigans, what is wrong with wearing a cardigan? It is warm, decent and hot and has a history of its own. It was named after James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan...continue (do a research of your own). Anyway, who am I to say, wear cardigans because I find the man is cardigan sooooo sweet? After all, it's their money, their body, it is their wish to buy and wear whatever they like. Let me see how long the fascination I have for cardigans will last, but just for the time being look how cool Justin Timberlake looks in it.
PS. I am not endorsing any cardigan brands.
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