Monday, January 16, 2012


Today is the wedding;
The bride to be is not thin like a coca cola straw or fair like a Himalayan snow,
The groom has a weak bladder; the rituals are not going to be shorter;
The wanting to pee pains will take the better of him; tears will roll from his cheeks.

The guests look like classic monsters devouring over the food,
The groom’s parents look happy and rich, the bride’s family are in no mood for calculation;
Some say that it is a union of two hearts, but other half says that it is the conjunction of two minds,
Groom’s friends are betting on how long the marriage will last, the bridesmaids are all set to
shimmer and shine.

There is a chance of rain to fall, for a drop has just hit the Pundit’s bald head;
If it does rain then everyone and everything will be soak, the grasses and the juice glasses,
A frog goes leaping by; this clumsy creature makes everyone laugh;
Then the ritual takes place, like a metaphor the bride’s tears rolls as she bade adieu to her play house,
The rain galloped down from the Heaven’s vile.

*The edited version of this poem can be found in Ayangti Longkumer's Magic Quill.

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