Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Don't Be a Freeloader

Freeloader: A person who takes advantage of others' generosity without giving anything in return.

It is a shame to be a parasite. To depend on someone for our wants or needs without showing gratitude by returning the favour to the one who offers it. A term for such people, often used in a derogatory way is, Freeloader. Someone who hogs on something or everything that too for freeee! No price paid. Opportunist pales away in front of the freeloader. After some experiences, people tend to avoid such people.

It's true, not everyone is blessed financially to pay back the favour or to execute it materially. However, if someone shares a ride home from the office, every day of the week, and we don't have enough cash to fill the gas for her then washing the car for her during the weekends, would be a good way of showing gratitude. If a person paid our medicine bills, but over the months, God forbid, he gets sick too, and we can't return his help through financial means. What we can do is, volunteer to run hospital errands for him or take care of his home or garden when he is on his sick bed at home. The point here is, there are many ways through which we can return someone's help, we just ought to have a grateful heart. 

Lastly, it is not always give and take. Sometimes, some favours cannot be returned. True friendship is not built on keeping an account of those favours. However, making a habit of accepting favours but no offering anything in return is plain cheap. It's like taking advantage of someone's kindness. Indeed, there is a saying, Takers don't have a limit, the Giver should mark a boundary. 

Peace and Prosperity to all. Bye for now. 

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