Friday, December 30, 2022

The Year 2022 For Me

The year started with a bit of confusion, caution and concern. I wondered whether Covid 19 will be deadly as it was in 2021. As the days progressed, I lost my Grandma on the second last day of January. Took time to heal and carry on with my life and the home chores. 

I went to Delhi, met some old friends, it was good catching up. But the biggest event of this year was FIFA World Cup. It was a saving grace. I am a fan of Lionel Messi. I always prayed to God to make Argentina win the Cup under the Captainship of Messi, before he retires. On the Final day, the same emotion which enveloped me on the WC Final of 2014 came back with a bang. However, this time, I knew, I wasn't going to cry. And even if I cried, it would be out of happiness, say, tears of happiness. God was kind.

By the way, the middle finger of my right hand is injured. What a way to begin the new year. Anyway, I hope 2023, will be a blessed one. God be merciful!

Friday, September 23, 2022

World Suicide Prevention Day

The World Suicide Prevention Day was observed on 10th September, this year. Growing up, I had so many misconceptions about suicide. When I was young, I was told and I heard from others, it's the deed of Satan, only cowards commit suicide, only crazy people commit suicide, only losers commit suicide.

Now that I am older, I am aware of some of the factors which makes someone take such drastic step. Depression, substance abuse, hormonal reasons, post-traumatic stress disorders and several others.

There are so many stigmas attached around suicide, no wonder there are families who try to hide such incidents (suicide attempts) or cover up suicide deaths. I remember an old story, a family declared their daughter's death as a case of cardiac arrest although she never had a history of heart problems, no postmortem was done, even though some of the mourners suggested, adding more to their misery, gossip mills spread the news that a suicide note was found near her bed. Whatever, the case was, I hope the family and her soul are at peace now. 

Our Naga society needs sensitization on matters concerning prevention of suicide and the stigmas around it. The importance of counselling for the families who lost their loved ones due to suicide should be part of the awareness. 

At the end of the day, considering help, asking for help, seeking help, taking help regarding one's mental, emotional, physical needs should not be considered as a matter of weakness but rather a part of wellbeing. 

You Are Loved. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

If Not Mine, Not Anyone's

The recent news of a female associate pastor being shot dead by a man whose marriage proposal she rejected shocked me. I didn't grow up in Nagaland hearing such crime patrol wali type of news. What was more surprising was, none of the top read newspapers' op-ed columns of the state came up with a full-length piece expressing dismay over this news. This is not a banal topic, you see.  The matter should concern us, if you agree with me.

While I don't know the whole story but on the surface of it, it looks like the wrath of a man who could not take "no!" for an answer. There are numerous newspaper and academic articles and papers written on why man cannot handle rejection and the cycle of frustrated lovers turned killers. Various psychologists, sociologists and feminist thinkers have made an attempt to understand the root cause behind such behaviour. Some find the connection to the individual's interpretation of 'rejection'. Some highlights the way boys were brought up in a patriarchal society where they are 'conditioned to think, the best belongs to them and the best is reserved for them in life, especially from a woman.' With such privileged feeling when they pursue a woman later in life, they are subjected to think, a woman cannot turn them down or be indifferent to them. If the result turns out to be ugly then things take a turn for the worst and people witness (see/hear/ read) events like the above stated incident. 

However, there are numerous men whose proposals have been turned down and they don't seem to have gone into the killer mode, at the maximum level, they might have spread rumours of the girls, if only they have the time and the evil creative energy. Which makes me think, there should be enough debates and discussions about this issue. Hence, in my limited capacity, I am writing this post. I hope incidents of such kind doesn't happen again in our land, at least not in our lim. 

Indeed, rejection is a painful event, some need therapy to get out of this trauma and some who cannot indulge in this costly session take comfort in confining their heartache to their friends and family members. Life is beautiful, although, it can't be pink always, there will be shades of blue, black and white. In my case, colourblind.  

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Why Did Anek Fail At The Box Office

To be honest, I was excited to watch Anubhav Sinha's Anek with the ultra-talented Ayushmann Khurana in the lead role. It was supposed to be psychological- political- fast paced action thriller. Moreover, it had Andrea Kevichusa, our very own home girl. But sadly, the film didn't do well in the box office. I am sure there will be numerous reasons for its failure. However, to me, these are some of the reasons which might have contributed to the bombing. 

Firstly, the separatist movement of the NE region of India is not a thing which can be told in 2 hours and few minutes, the topic is vast, complicated and complex. The film clubs all the NE states as one, the car's number plate bears the witness. Each and every NE states have different political history and some of the states are now free from the political issues which once plagued the region. It would have been better if they selected one of the states from the NE region and focused on it rather than taking up the entire region. It could have saved the movie from ending up like a superficial-half-baked project, which it sadly did, eventually. 

Secondly, Aido (played by Andrea) who aspired to win gold medal for India in boxing was also the love interest of Joshua (played by Ayushmann) the under covered cop. The story of the movie was already burdened with the insurgent problem and burdening it with another sub plot- sports drama, was too much for the audience to focus on. Unlike KRK, I won't be saying how unsuitable Andrea was in the role of a boxer. She did her best and it's for the casting director to keep the requirements in check, no?

Thirdly, maybe the mainland audience are not well aware/ or not at all aware of the political issues happening in the NE region of India and must have failed to connect to it even on awareness level (forget about emotional or intellectual level). Hence, they might have opted out from giving it a try, when the word of mouth failed miserably like the promotion. 

Anyway, I am glad, Anubhav Sinha, at least made an attempt in directing a movie on a controversial subject which has often been neglected by the mainstream film makers. 

Friday, April 22, 2022

An Umbrella

Some days ago, to avoid traffic jam, I took a shorter route to reach home. While crossing the railway track, I saw a woman in a bright coloured saree, sobbing loudly. I thought her husband must have left her. My caring nature, or rather say, inquisitive nature, made me approach her and enquire about the reason behind her rain. 

The conversation happened in Nagamese, I am translating it in English. 

I: Behena, why are you crying?

She: I lost my umbrella.

I controlled my laughter as I thought, the umbrella must have me really dear to her. 

I: Was it a gift from someone?

She: Na, I bought it to protect myself from the sun. Dimapur is too hot. 

I felt sorry, I opened my purse and gave whatever money I had, it was 200 INR in total.

I: Get yourself a new umbrella. It's from my side. 

She looked at the money, disgusted and said, "Which umbrella will I get from 200 rupees. The cheapest of umbrella cost around 250 rupees, please add 50 rupees more."

I got so pissed by that very attitude of hers. 

I replied, "Why don't you keep crying. I am sure in few hours, someone will give you the required 50 rupees"

I walked away from her.

As I was nearing home, I realised how philosophical the whole incident was.  

Indeed, in our lives, we are blessed to have people, it can be our family members or friends who help us with whatever they have, small or big. But sometimes, our high sense of entitlement make us forget to appreciate or acknowledge their warm gestures or sacrifices.  Do we deserve bigger and better things by sucking the blood of others who are ready to go an extra mile for us? It's for us to ponder upon. 

PS. God's love is unconditional and He is full of patience.  Hope it rings a bell on our head. Peace!

Friday, March 25, 2022


As most of the viewers might know, Dreams & Chaos web series is adapted from Sentilong Ozukum’s two novels, Campus Blues (2010) and Dreams & Chaos (2020), the latter title was used as the series’ name. Readers might find the screenplay a bit different from the narration of the novels, like I did. But it is a common method which is implied by the Screenwriter and the Director when a movie or series is made from a novel, the best example being, The Game of Thorns. It is all about requirements and limitations. Anyway, in this review, I will list out some of the strong points, as well as the not so strong points. Hope I won’t be butchered for my opinions and observations.  

Strong Points 

  • The ensemble of talented cast: Super talented Kilangtemsu Imsong has essayed the role of Moluti with utmost dedication. He was flawless with his dialogues and the body gestures. He carried both the two seasons on his shoulders. Being the main protagonist of the two novels, he did complete justice to the character of Moluti in the web series. In the Season 1, Senti was the breakout character and in the Season 2, Ali was the breakout character. As for the others, some of whom we have already seen in Dreamz Unlimited videos are powerhouse of talent. Hence, it goes without saying, they all gave a stellar performance.  
  • The Direction: Often, a good screenplay is gone wasted if it is directed poorly. Hence, direction is the key for a good movie. One can easily say, the direction of this web series was praised worthy from excellent cinematography to editing to good choice of locations to selection of characters.  
  • The Sound Track: Songs and Music play an important role in movies and web series in creating the right mood, unless it is a silent show. The background music and the songs of Dreams & Chaos were able to convey the emotions which enhanced the performance of the actors. 
  • The Right Issue: ‘Unemployment’ should be a matter of concern not only for policymakers and unemployed individuals but also for every household. After all, Nagaland is the state with the highest rate of unemployment in India. Church being the second highest employment generator in Nagaland has as enormous role to play when it comes to eradicating the menace of unemployment. The second Season of Dreams & Chaos has highlighted it well. Why depend on the state alone for employment opportunities when non-state players are making a humble attempt to solve the issue of unemployment. On a philosophical note, the Biblical verses about hope in God, hard work and prosperity can be executed by the Church through employment generation and it doesn’t have to be clergical job always. 

Not So Strong 

  • Lack of Chemistry between the leads: I don’t know whether it is only me or the other viewers too to observe the lack chemistry between the two main leads, Ali and Moluti played by Limasenla and Kilang. In Season 1, they are the long-lost friends, awkwardness and reviving those old feelings but there too, the fire was missing, and the ice did the talking. Chemistry between the leads for those scenes should be like Kajol and SRK in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, meeting up after a long gap in junior Anjali’s summer camp. In Season 2 too, even as best friends the chemistry was missing, I don’t want to cite Anjali and Rahul from Kuch Kuch Hota Hai again, hope you got the point. Ali’s feeling was not reciprocated but I didn’t even feel sorry for her as, ‘you belong to/with him’ placard was best kept under my pillow. On the other hand, the chemistry between Moluti’s sister and his soon to be brother-in-law is worth mentioning. Indeed, the senior couple, rocks! But individually, Kilang and Limasenla have impressed us with their screen presence, no doubt.
  • Moluti in Campus Blues vs. Moluti in Season 2: For me, Season 1 of The Promised Neverland was better than Season 2 and I say the same about Dreams & Chaos. In Season 1, Moluti had a baggage to carry; the baggage of unemployment, for this, Kilang’s eyes did the talking. Depressed, lost, defeated and giving up on life, the whole panorama of emotions in Moluti’s life was well portrayed by Kilang. On the other hand, if we refer to the novel, Campus Blues for Season 2, Moluti was more of a happy go lucky, carefree, learning the process of living, having doubts as well as hope for his future, it was more of a coming-of-age novel. But, in Season 2, Kilang seemed to carry the baggage of Season1; there was this tension he carried which was made apparent by his eyes. It was like; Kilang could not get out from the role he played in Season 1. Nonetheless, it did not in any way shadow his performance and it goes without saying, he is a good actor. 

That is all for now. You can write in the comment section about your thoughts. Thank you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Don't Be a Freeloader

Freeloader: A person who takes advantage of others' generosity without giving anything in return.

It is a shame to be a parasite. To depend on someone for our wants or needs without showing gratitude by returning the favour to the one who offers it. A term for such people, often used in a derogatory way is, Freeloader. Someone who hogs on something or everything that too for freeee! No price paid. Opportunist pales away in front of the freeloader. After some experiences, people tend to avoid such people.

It's true, not everyone is blessed financially to pay back the favour or to execute it materially. However, if someone shares a ride home from the office, every day of the week, and we don't have enough cash to fill the gas for her then washing the car for her during the weekends, would be a good way of showing gratitude. If a person paid our medicine bills, but over the months, God forbid, he gets sick too, and we can't return his help through financial means. What we can do is, volunteer to run hospital errands for him or take care of his home or garden when he is on his sick bed at home. The point here is, there are many ways through which we can return someone's help, we just ought to have a grateful heart. 

Lastly, it is not always give and take. Sometimes, some favours cannot be returned. True friendship is not built on keeping an account of those favours. However, making a habit of accepting favours but no offering anything in return is plain cheap. It's like taking advantage of someone's kindness. Indeed, there is a saying, Takers don't have a limit, the Giver should mark a boundary. 

Peace and Prosperity to all. Bye for now. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Love Comes Gently: Loving Myself


These 3 years, things have been really tough for me, physically and emotionally. I lost three people who meant so much to me, and it happened consecutively. As I am undergoing an existential crisis, I can't think of any other condition other than this. I am questioning life and the meaning of it, death and the role it plays in one's life. 

I may come as an open book but reading a book too takes time. On the top of that, I am a difficult book to review. There are things which I don't want to discuss, there are times when I just want to be alone, everyone deserves an 'alone time', come on. There are some pains which is deeper than the Ocean with the highest gravitational pull. True, I have no regrets, I did what I was best at, loving unconditionally. But to say, goodbye, at the end is a situation which takes time to cope.

However, in all these, I forgot to take care of myself. I have noticed, recently. Hence, this year, let me invest in myself. Let me love myself, not like selfish person does but like someone who cherishes one's life, one which is executed by taking care of one's health and mental wellbeing. 

I start with, taking care of my eyes. 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Unlikely Winner of Bigg Boss 15

 I have watched the First Season of Bigg Boss after which, I lost interest. This year, I took the courage to invest my precious time in watching it on Voot App. After many episodes, my Top 3 favourites were, Shamita, Pratik and Umar. I really liked the content created by these three. However, as the episodes progressed, the love angle between Karan and Tejaswi became the central focus, more screentime was sucked by them. It became a bit frustrating.

Shamita played with grace and dignity in all the tasks. Pratik was winning the hearts of his fans with his honesty. Umar was just amazing minus his untimely aggression. In a way, their screentime became minimal as compared to the famous #Tejran couple. The shocking eviction of Umar was heart wrenching, he was out of the race, OMG!!!

Anyway, after some point, it became easy to guess, Tejaswi was going to win the show. So many clues were hinted towards her victory. One way or the other, through this or that task, deserving or undeserving, she was picked to be in the VIP Zone and in the Top 6. The Naagin 6 lead role revelation was the ultimate eye-opener...ColorsTV all the way.

As I had my own favourites, Tejaswi not being one of them. It would have been better if Tejaswi stood as a first or second runner-up. Nevertheless, what's gone is gone, I hope the winner of Bigg Boss 16 won't be as predictable as Bigg Boss 15's. 

Naga Kitchen Garden Diaries: Organic Tomatoes

  Most of us may have heard of ‘La Tomatina’ also known as, The Tomato Festival, celebrated in Spain. It started off in the year 1945, and i...