Scientific achievements can make a country proud and heavier proud when it is first of its kind and heaviest proud if the ‘enemy’ country does not have the capability to make even a replica of it. Technology my boy, the nationalistic herald, some guy in messy hair builds it, some guy with heavy pocket controls it. I am neither a scientist nor a technocrat so why should I be serious? Let me bring humour and some stale flowery words to look like a complete idiot in front of the people who have the birthright to be a pretentious a** licking genius, a real burden to the intellectual world.
Science as a phrase when in love
There are many phrases which you might think are missing, but these are some classic ones to let you know that I am making a point here.
Baby, I can steal the stars for you: The fact is no one can display such feat; stars are made of hydrogen and helium, so until and unless you are an actor with a pathetic sense of movie selection you cannot, else you will be burned in the worse form imaginable. By the way, the sun is the nearest star, are you really planning to steal it? So, it is just a phrase to imply, the lover can do the most impossible of things for his/her loved one.
Baby, I froze when you look at me: This is some kind of X-Men talent show. Having someone like him/her can be very beneficial in the age of global warming. But do you know, once frozen means you are dead, which means you will not be able to compliment your baby’s skill of giving someone hypothermia? So, it is just a phrase to imply, you are so fond of your lover that you experience emotions of various kind.
Baby, when you are with me time flies: If that is so then why don’t you call up Christopher Nolan, he would be interested to hear about the mystery you have discovered for his next big movie project. Time neither runs nor does it fly, for the rest of the argument, one can discuss with a Professor of Physics. So, it is just a phrase to imply, when you are with your lover, you lose your sense of time, blame it to yourself.
We think hard to come up with such phrases but when someone in power says such phrases we do not bother to filter it as precisely as possible, we just quality it like fools.
Narrating eureka moments
Suppose in near future Scientist ‘A’ builds a time the machine, and there is a grand exhibition of his invention. The scene will be something like this; Scientist B would like to know what the craft is made of, its durability and compatibility, Scientist C would like to know the chemical composition and reaction happening inside the craft, Scientist D would like to know the appropriate time taken to transfer an individual from a period to another period. As for the public who came to witness the exhibition, they do not know even a single thing about the black hole, and the majority of them will not even be interested in why the craft looks like an onion. I bet, they will be more interested to know why it was build, and among the audience, there might be a romantic man who might just speculate that Scientist ‘A’ build the time machine to kiss Emma Watson of 2015 on whom his great- grandfather had a crush. Everyone will rejoice because there is a story most probably a love story attached to it. In the maddening crowd of theoretical explanations and the narratives of discovery, we the public forget how useful a scientific discovery is or in other sense, who really gets benefit out of such discoveries.
Phrase +Narratives = Myth
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