Friday, February 14, 2014


Some days ago my sister posted a profile status which was successful in attracting my attention, these were the lines,

Things that start with 'V' are usually over-rated.

Wow, true, Victoria Secret’s Angels are highly overrated, but then there are guys like Tiger Woods who makes us pity them. However, I am not going to talk about those Angels. Coming to the point, even Valentine’s Day begins with the letter ‘V’, and that is how the journey begins,

You know what my deep darkest desire is?

Guess One: You might be thinking that I want some handsome hunk of burning yum to come wrap in towel below his chest and throw it after he sees me on the bed NAKED! Okay, that is not my darkest fantasy that is a scene copied and pasted from Shania Twain’s record-breaking song Still the One.

Guess Two: I want a man to come all the way looking for me when I leave him without a word. If no image is hitting your head then let me relief you, just take the last scene from Love Aaj Kal. Nay, it hardly happens in reality especially if a woman is from an ‘insurgency belt’ *media, media, media writes it that way* like Nagaland. Why do I say that? Once I invited someone to my hometown (no hard feelings, that individual was geographically from North India) the reply came as, “What if it is a trap, what if I am kidnapped?” Phew! Negative effects of action thriller movies.

No more guesses, my darkest desire is not at all dark but yeah it is a fantasy which I am living with. My fantasy is to have a day, a day called, ‘Have You Ever Really Loved Someone Day’ and that day should be in between February and November (9 months J ). Indeed, without questioning ourselves this question, Valentine’s Day or any other day becomes meaningless. This Valentine’s Day I will be questioning to myself, “Ayangti Longkumer, have you ever loved someone truly, madly and deeply?”  Till then, let me stalk on my elder sister’s (whom I loved, loving and will always love but there are times when I just want to sell her on some auction website) profile time again for more inspiration.

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