Friday, January 3, 2014


Hope is (not) a Dangerous Word

While travelling by metro rail I like watching people, not that I stare at them, and even if I do, they do not notice it. Anyway, I do not know what is on their minds but keeps on guessing what could be running on their minds.

“Someone could be thinking of how she is looking in her new suit, someone might be nursing a broken heart, someone might be waiting for the month to end to welcome the salary, someone might be thinking of what to have for dinner, someone might be thinking of Edward Snowden, someone could be thinking of stock exchange, someone could be thinking of cricket, and someone could be considering of murdering his/her spouse, that could be insane, someone could be thinking something or the other.”

Whatever they might think, whatever I might think, there is no guarantee, the train will not go off track and meet an accident, there is no guarantee, it will explode, there is no guarantee, it will be hijacked, and cardiac arrest is always an unwelcome guest. But there is hope, a lingering hope that we will be safe and will reach the desired destination even without the help of 500 crores worth hero Krrish. Yes, hope. If we go by the Greek mythology, Pandora who was the first woman on Earth was given a container outside of which was beautiful yet inside of which contained evils, although instructed not to open it ever, she with her curiosity opened the lid, all the evils escaped and spread over the world. Except for one thing that lay at the bottom – the Spirit of Hope named Elpis, for before it could escape, Pandora closed the lid. People can interpret this story in 100 and 1 ways, I take the story this way, when everything else fades away there remains a thing called Hope and it remains forever.

I might sound like an optimistic fool, but that is not what I am always. I am pessimistic when least expected, however, the spirit of Hope springs out from nowhere and today becomes a day which passes by and tomorrow becomes another day for me.

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