Friday, June 8, 2012



You never said I was your sun; you never said I was your moon;
Thought you were just being practical, what a fool I was;
There were nights when you did not bid me good night;
And the rainy days I love was just so lame for you.

I left a job paying me in squares just to be with you;
You saw no reason in my care for you;
And my poems never brought tears in your eyes,
I fed your ego till I was broke.

My phone calls were but nuisance to you;
And the messages were a holy crap;
I cried and you laughed at my shrink;
You ambitions mattered to you most; my dreams were just a fading lotus.

Saw the picture of a rapist on the daily yesterday;
Thought it was you,
Read an article of a psychotic killer yesterday;
Thought it was you.

What good did I get from loving you so much?
Was just the sense of knowing that I have indeed loved a man,
A man who was a bastard;
Indeed, you are a Herculean bastard. 

*The edited version of this poem can be found in Ayangti Longkumer's Magic Quill.

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