Monday, February 6, 2012


I am back! Right from the start I knew that 2012 will be a busy year for's proving true... 

Today, what I am writing is something many of us will not agree. Yippee! It does not matter for I am not counting  votes. So, I ask, how many of us wants to be sober and always sober?  Talk sober, act sober, think sober, dress sober, eat sober and live sober. I like sober people, but cannot digest when they indicates in their actions or in words their profound dislike for the people who stands in contrast with them. I know a wild child, she is not into drug, she is very high spirited and loves to dress in a manner which my sober friends finds "LOUD!". But, to be honest she is one of the bestest (there is no such word, this is the writer's license I am using) friends I ever had. I click well with her for I, myself is not sober most of the time. I am into experimenting  things to which my sober friends whispers, "I am not with you. Grow up! We are no more kids." Which could mean that if they were kids, they could have indulge in the pleasure of it. I wonder what  pulls them back. 

Simple case : 'Dance in the Rain'- Is there a punishment for dancing in the rain? Yes. If you are six years, your mom will shout at you for you might caught cold. When you are 20 or more you might be pulled back by your friend  for being such an attention seeker, when in real all you wanted was to play in rain. 

What is holding me back from doing stuffs that I like may be different from what holds you back. Why is this magnet so strong that we loss our real self to it. I wonder, why is the league of 'sober people' becoming stronger day by day? But the truth is they themselves are under the influence of an opium, the detoxification of which is lets all sit and make omelette. 


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