Sunday, May 28, 2023


Shoot one’s gun from someone else’s shoulder,

This expression means, when Rose wants to do something dangerous or shitty but wants someone else to execute the task so that s/he is not blamed for anything in the end.  In Chanakya Neeti, this phase is taken into a whole new level to achieve the end goal. In politics, the end determines the means, which means even if your way of achieving your goal is unethical as long as you achieve it, you hold no guilty. Gandhi was an exception, he believed, means justifies ends. Hence, he vouched for morality in politics. But this post is not about political thoughts. I have something else to talk about. 

Sometimes we don’t even know that we are being used for the sake of friendship or family’s honour. While we were kids, someone might have executed their plans using us and we might not have been aware as our infant brain could have not comprehended it. But as we grew up, there might have been several experiences that proved how well we were played.

For years, because of my vocal, crazy, confident personality, I have been the bunker for so many shooters. There were times when someone lashed out their anger, frustrations, and disappointments on me just because someone said or did using my name. My name is not holy; anybody can use it in vain. However, using it to make me the scapegoat, while they remain pure and pristine is a coward act. Now, I am more matured, I know who wants to pull the trigger using my good broad shoulders. I don’t want to be a fighter cock; I don’t want to be the deceived friend. I think before I stand, I tell them to fight their own battles, if it is trivial, as it is good for self-development. If they get killed in the process, I swear I will host the perfect funeral for them. 

It does not mean we should not help our friends. Friendship means being there whenever they need us. However, we should be cautious when we help them, we should take into account all the consequences which might follow. Standing up for one’s friend is one thing and being the victim of someone’s victory is another. 

I could have brought up my personal testimony, but I do want to ruin the nights and days of those people who have shot their guns using my shoulders. They will eventually read this post and might recall the times when they thought they were smart. But actually, they were nothing but snakes. 


  1. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. You disappeared from social network, I miss you a lot.


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