Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Love Comes Gently: Loving Myself


These 3 years, things have been really tough for me, physically and emotionally. I lost three people who meant so much to me, and it happened consecutively. As I am undergoing an existential crisis, I can't think of any other condition other than this. I am questioning life and the meaning of it, death and the role it plays in one's life. 

I may come as an open book but reading a book too takes time. On the top of that, I am a difficult book to review. There are things which I don't want to discuss, there are times when I just want to be alone, everyone deserves an 'alone time', come on. There are some pains which is deeper than the Ocean with the highest gravitational pull. True, I have no regrets, I did what I was best at, loving unconditionally. But to say, goodbye, at the end is a situation which takes time to cope.

However, in all these, I forgot to take care of myself. I have noticed, recently. Hence, this year, let me invest in myself. Let me love myself, not like selfish person does but like someone who cherishes one's life, one which is executed by taking care of one's health and mental wellbeing. 

I start with, taking care of my eyes. 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Unlikely Winner of Bigg Boss 15

 I have watched the First Season of Bigg Boss after which, I lost interest. This year, I took the courage to invest my precious time in watching it on Voot App. After many episodes, my Top 3 favourites were, Shamita, Pratik and Umar. I really liked the content created by these three. However, as the episodes progressed, the love angle between Karan and Tejaswi became the central focus, more screentime was sucked by them. It became a bit frustrating.

Shamita played with grace and dignity in all the tasks. Pratik was winning the hearts of his fans with his honesty. Umar was just amazing minus his untimely aggression. In a way, their screentime became minimal as compared to the famous #Tejran couple. The shocking eviction of Umar was heart wrenching, he was out of the race, OMG!!!

Anyway, after some point, it became easy to guess, Tejaswi was going to win the show. So many clues were hinted towards her victory. One way or the other, through this or that task, deserving or undeserving, she was picked to be in the VIP Zone and in the Top 6. The Naagin 6 lead role revelation was the ultimate eye-opener...ColorsTV all the way.

As I had my own favourites, Tejaswi not being one of them. It would have been better if Tejaswi stood as a first or second runner-up. Nevertheless, what's gone is gone, I hope the winner of Bigg Boss 16 won't be as predictable as Bigg Boss 15's. 

Naga Kitchen Garden Diaries: Organic Tomatoes

  Most of us may have heard of ‘La Tomatina’ also known as, The Tomato Festival, celebrated in Spain. It started off in the year 1945, and i...