Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Colour of Raven

At present, Nagaland does not have an opposition party. The other political parties remind one of the pressure groups. The outcome of Framework Agreement is like the ashes from the wood of an old man living alone but in a cold mountain cabin, having brass utensils on his table, and he moving around with a glass of whiskey deciding on which vegetable he should cook. Then there is the problem of unemployment, highest in the county. It looks like maggots on a dead body, where fairies sing and dance to the music of agony harp. The mango tree above the grave does not support anything for its golden fruit makes the best of juice. The thief in the hotel has stolen everything, we heard but whose stuffs he has been stealing? Not of the guests or the staffs or the owner. He had been stealing his own stability. 

The garbage smells a lot, the blackish water and the mosquito colony all combined form a rainbow of scam and mockery. The traffic is heavy, one car runs over the other, the public is busy clicking pictures from their cheap mobile cameras. The Angel of Death laughs at the stupidity of everyone. Time lapses, the scar fades, the tear dries but the decaying of the soul remains the same. One need not pity the children because they are soldiers masquerading as gentle doves. When the squid games end and the festival get over, the shoes do not fit anyone including Cinderella. 

When will we know everything, we have is temporary, for we are ceasing. We are but creatures of tail, wagging at our interest, wagging for meeting our needs. Oh, some may say, I am not a wagging tail but that’s a lie. Everyone is suffering from a thing or the other, the difference is, some are aware of it, some are not. Ice cream melts under the summer heat but we are doomed if we are controlled by the addiction of it. All recreations come with a price, sometimes the price is too high to pay, it kills the fun it brings. What are the limits to ecstasy, when we claim ourselves as spiritual beings?  

All in all, we remain selfish mortal beings. 

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