Wednesday, November 23, 2016


2016 has been a long year, this year some of us might have attained sainthood, some of us might have spent a week in a prison, however, none of these immune us from making an enemy or two. You might not agree with the list but it is always interesting to find out under which category does your enemy falls and fits.

Family Enemy- Family is a mini-society in itself, we have people, those people are endowed with hell lot of personalities, some of them have become our enemies but we cannot kill them because they are connected to us either by blood or by law. We might have a creepy uncle who waited for us to hit our puberty, we might have an overly interfering aunt who has been nicknamed as marriage dot com, we might have a cousin who is pretentious and a bully, we might have a brother-in-law who is manipulative, selfish and a big bastard, we might have a sister-in-law who is out there trying to seduce random someone or you or your lover, we might have  relatives who makes us wonder what exactly the phrase, ‘It’s all about loving your family’ means.

Social Network aka Virtual enemies- First of all, we don’t have a clue how and why he/she is there in our friend list. They hardly like our status or pictures or the link that we share. But if we post something on a topic which they do not agree upon or of which they are sensitive about then they will try to kill us with words which we can’t understand because we don’t read Zombie script. Their level of intolerance makes us sick. We do not even remember sending them a friend request, but the number of abusive words in the reply/comment bar make us assure the virtual world is filled with maggots.

Your Best Friends’ Enemies – There is a saying, your enemy’s enemy is your friend, but your best friends’ enemies are your enemies. Has it ever occurred to you where your bestie/ closest bro from another mother narrated about being insulted by someone and you took it personally, quite personally that you started YouTubing how to make a bomb from organic matters? Have you ever spread the rumour of your best friend's ex getting infected by STD or undergoing sex change surgery or being a member of some Satanic cult just because they cheated on your buddy? I do not know how the equation works here, but it is apparent that sometimes someone becomes our enemy just because they are our best friend’s enemy.

Lover turned Enemy- This is one of the worst case scenarios. Friends become lovers become friends again, that’s great. Friends become lovers become enemies, that’s dangerous. Nothing is more deadly than ex-lovers exposing each other’s dirty linen in public because some people takes delight in measuring the length of the linen. In one historical point of time, you must have seen each other naked both literally and figuratively, you must have trusted each other with the deepest of secrets, but when things fall apart in bitter misery, each other’s ego are checked, there is maximization of one’s self-interest over the other, playing the victim becomes the winning strategy, and in the process the audience enjoys the free show. 

Frenemy- So there is this particular person who is our friend or claims to be our friend or behaves to be our friend, but we do not need an enemy if we have a friend like him/her. This frenemy is never there in the hour of need, might congratulate us on our success, but behind our back gives a narrative of how undeserving we are. This frenemy does not defend us in our absence, this frenemy secretly hates us, this frenemy will be the first one to leave us before the exit door is opened.  This frenemy is Brutus under the mask of Marc Antony. As a matured human being, eventually, we get to know them and that is when we treat our Fran F Enemy the way they treat us.

The Clueless Enemy – We don't have clue why we hate this particular person so much. Maybe it is our insecurities that make us hate them as they are in a particular position enjoying the best of things brought about by their hard work, maybe it is their intelligence which we feel envious of or maybe they are so sexy that we feel threaten or maybe they have killed us in your previous life and we are getting deja vu about it. Nothing is impossible if we try, hence, let's either try to figure out why we consider them as our enemy or let's try to like them for who they are. 

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