Thursday, March 31, 2016



I woke up,
I don’t remember anything- nothing at all.
Who am I?
Why am I in this room?
I looked at the colour of the wall
-it is white, pale cold white
Who chose the colour for this room?
Was it, me? Is it really my room?
I don’t remember anything.
Who am I?
I walk towards the mirror
-the mirror is dusty.
I question myself,
why is the mirror so dusty?
Am I miser not to see the dust on it?
Who am I?
What am I doing in this room?
There is a frame with a black and white picture on it-
-the girl in the picture looks like me,
-but she has a longer hair.
Is the girl in the picture me?
When did I cut my hair?
Was it my idea or someone suggested it to me?
I am so scared,
I don’t remember anything.
I walked out from the room,
-lots of doors,
-lots of windows I see.
The floor of the house is all cracked,
Is this an old house?
How long have I been living here?
So, there is the kitchen,
I see a lady smiling at me,
Why is she so good to me?
I can see wrinkles on her face,
She is still smiling at me,
Shall I ask her what relationship I share with her?
I feel so stupid,
I don’t remember anything.
Let me pretend-
-let me be good,
She must be a kind woman,
Her smile has not left her face.
I pull out the chair,
She is asking my plans for the day,
What will I say to her?
How should I address her?
A man has just entered the kitchen,
-he kissed my head,
-he smells of something so familiar,
-he kissed the lady too
-they look like a couple,
I have to leave them alone.
Let me open the door of the kitchen,
It looks like a lawn,
The grasses are green and the birds are chirping,
My mind sounds like the cliché-
-only a nursery poem can deliver,
Let me sit in this little swing,
I have to be steady,
I can see a man looking at me
-through the broken window
-guess he is my neighbour,
He is staring at me,
Haven’t he seen a girl swinging high?
Let me get down from the swing,
He has dirty intention, I can read his eyes,
If the force takes me high, higher and highest
-that man will feel hired.
I am inside a big room,
Let me look for more rooms
-okay, this one has lots of couch,
There is a picture of a man and woman holding a card written-
Just married!
These two are the one who kissed in front of me this morning,
I see lots of photographs of them and me,
It sums up, I, their child, they, my parents.
I can hear whispers coming from the adjacent room,
Let me peep this room has lots of books,
Oh! I can hear what they are saying
-he says, ‘I am planning to divorce her. Give me some time,’
-the woman says, ‘well if you are divorcing her then make sure she
takes your daughter along with her.’
I am so confused; some hours ago this man was kissing the woman
who made my breakfast
-now he is with another woman, making plans,
-his wife, my mother comes screaming and crying,
This is so confusing.
Then someone slams the door,
Two men enter the house,
I see guns in their hand,
The gunshot makes a piercing sound,
It hits me,
Slowly, slowly, my body loses the sense of what I have,
My eyes don’t flatter the reason,
Trembling winds don’t dare to touch my skin,
I feel an ecstasy which I have never felt before
-as last breath escapes from my dried lips.

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