Tuesday, February 2, 2016



There is pleasure in watching parodies, it relaxes your mind, making you forget the pain you are in.  But when the show is over, you are left with a thought that speaks to you of a chance you had in not being the actor of that mindless parody you just laughed at. You know it well, there are a million different ways to say ‘I love you’ like ‘put your seatbelt on’, ‘get some rest’, ‘please have your meal on time’, etc. Yes, you just have to listen.  After all the good times, when it falls and breaks, it hurts.

Verse 1
No, no, friends please don’t fight because it doesn’t give delight. Know that I love you both so it is hard to take sides. Relationship is not my cup of tea, so I avoid it, but you are not me, you are in relationship to share love and care, so mind your words and actions.
Verse 2
Lie only if you are damn intelligent or else you will be caught, it gives real pain.
Verse 3
I am a selfish individual, I live by the rule, ‘I, Me, Myself’, but that mantra sucks when you are in a relationship as there are compromises to be made and hustle things need to be settled.
Verse 1
I am the worst lover someone will get, I am a monster but you are not me. When you abuse your partner physically, mentally or emotionally, know that you need psychological treatment. By the way, monsters do not exist. Continue.
Verse 2
When things are not working, talk and talk and talk till the walls of miscommunication are broken down. If you know that things are not going to work then don’t fool yourself or your partner, time is precious, emotions are valuable.
Verse 3
False promises make you look like a complete loser, and you should not take pride in making someone a fool. You are not me; you are a human being capable of loving and respecting someone. Do something when things are not right for a stitch in time saves nine.
Verse 1
If things are not working and you know it beyond your capability then part ways, but let it not leave you bitter, come on, you have to look good for the hundred and one photo sessions which are ahead of you.
Verse 2
When you two have parted ways, please don’t come up with murder plans for the world has piles of pending files on passion crimes.
Verse 3
If seeing him/her with someone not even a month after your break-up kills you then remember these lines (it will make you feel really good) - in our childhood, our parents told us to donate our used toys, clothes, shoes to the less privileged kids. Plus, you do not have to smell her/his super stinky farts anymore.
This does not sound like therapy? Yes, it looks like the list of suggestions to follow. I know the meaning of therapy, therapy is expensive and you have to pay for each session, whether helpful or sucky.

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