Monday, May 11, 2015


Hate is a ‘powerful’ term, it might be politically incorrect to use for a blog-post title, but since it is ‘power’-ful so it is ‘politically’ correct. Whoever said ‘keep your friends close, and your enemies closer’ did not have a freaking clue that some people have more enemies than friends, to keep them closer will lead to suffocation and hence, death.

You might be reading this post for one of the reasons- a. You love what I write, b. You hate what I write; in fact, you are straining your eyes to get brownie points by detecting wrong grammar or disagreement, c. You want to know why you are being hated. The first two options are personal to me; I am keeping it for myself. Now with third option as the right option please continue reading.

1. UNIVERSAL- Good news- not everyone will hate you, sad news- not everyone will love you. There will always be an angel (without wings) to help you and there will always be an asshole (without an air-hole) to pull you down. You are not the first person in the world to be hated or the last. So relax!

2. Z-FACTOR- If ‘X-factor’ is for attraction, then ‘Z-factor’ should be for repulsion. Like X-factor this very factor is unknown. You might be emitting certain kind of energy that makes people hate you, or say the chemicals in your body produces a certain kind of smell which when reaches the nostrils of the inhaler results in an unprecedented hatred towards you.


 To the chatterbox- Remember, talkativeness was considered a bad manner some ages ago (when there was no concept of anchoring, jockeying and the likes). A person who speaks a lot unknowingly uses words which hurt people who do not interpret it in the way it was meant to be.

To the silent monk- Remember, silence is gold, but that was ages ago when the phrase ‘less is more’ did not hit the market. Sometimes when you do not say the words which some people want to hear then unspoken words are interpreted in 102 ways. There is time for everything, great if you know when to speak.

4. OVERACHIEVER – For years someone lived like an underdog, underachiever, unsung and unrewarded then comes ‘You’ -smart, talented, hardworking, intelligent and adorable, suddenly you take the entire spotlight from someone who never ever shined in the cattle maze. You started expanding your popularity in social network and even the local guards speak about you before taking their puffs. You are everywhere, including their minds. Then what? His insecurities get untamed and the eye of the green eyed monster becomes wider, and we all know that the job of the monster is to eat. But cannibalism is illegal so he hates you.

5. RUMOURS – Across the span of history there has been millions and millions of idiots, ***as well as a handful of smart people*** and these idiots like to believe in stupidly sensational stuff, for example, a dead person dancing on a rainy day. They must have heard stories about you, so even without knowing you they have preconceived notion which results in an instant hatred towards you.

6. DIFFERENCES- You do not like coffee, you like beer, they love coffee, they hate beer. You like rock music, they like classical, you are non-vegetarian, they are vegetarian, you and they have nothing in common, neither religious belief nor political ideology. Opposites attracts but only when there is tolerance of certain level, but the differences between you and they are so much that tolerance have taken early retirement. The only thing in common is -they hate you and you hate them.

7. EXPECTATIONS- ‘Expectation!’ is a killing machine, which goes for random shooting rather than target shooting. Things are not always ‘I expect myself to get this work done’ rather it is something like ‘He owes me, when is he going to repay back.’ The sense of ‘I deserve this, but she gave me this’ spoils relationships. Hope and faith are use in a positive sense, even ‘expectation’ for that matter. However, we often hear ‘Don’t expect anything from me,’ maybe the line originated from the head of the person who knew if she unable to accomplish what is being expected then she might be hated by the poltroons.

8. MAYBE YOU ARE A JERK: Sometimes it takes courage to say ‘I am the Problem’. A play was staged; everyone wanted to play the victim but not the villain, so the play never happened. It might feel good to get some sympathy from here and there, but have you ever sat down and considered what you are undergoing is something you deserved? If you slept with you best friend’s lover by drugging her in his absence, then the bashing, hatred and months in jail are something you deserve. 

Whether or not you fall under one of the options do not really matter because haters gonna hate anyway. The surprise comes when the person whom you thought loves you the most turns out to be the person who hates you the most. Well, this is life; it has surprises and packages. And of course, the more haters you have, the truer you are being to yourself.

1 comment:

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