Friday, July 11, 2014



UMLR: Unlimited Magazine on Love & Relationships

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1. He acts shy when you are around

UMLR: A man acts shy only when he has something sweet to hide.
Reality: Hey girl, the T-shirt that I am wearing seems tight for me, I hope you don’t see my protruding belly.
2. Smiles a lot
UMLR: He is filled with joy every time he sees you.
Reality: Hey girl, everyone says I have an awesome smile, I trust my toothpaste and I visit my super attractive dentist regularly.
3. Dilated eyes
UMLR: He is paying total attention to every word you say so that he does not miss any point.
Reality: Hey girl, you talk a lot, and there is a green thing stuck on your tooth.
4. Arch eyebrows
UMLR: He is attracted to you
Reality: Hey girl, what you just said is unbelievable, how can you be the heroine in all you story? Get real girl!
5. Mirroring
UMLR: If he is consciously or unconsciously copying your actions and gestures during a conversation, it means he is trying to be likable in front of you.
Reality: Hey girl, it’s such a good time pass, wondering whether I am a concave or a convex mirror.
6. Blushes
UMLR: If he blushes around you then it indicates he has special likings for you.
Reality: Hey girl, why are you staring at me, am I that hot?
7. Teases you
UMLR: If he teases you then he is comfortable around you, he wants attention from you.
Reality: Hey girl, bullying is prohibited so I am giving a milder dose.
8. Plays prank on you:
UMLR: It depends on the prank, but sure he has an interest in you and wants to make you laugh.
Reality: Hey girl, I am still a kid. I need to grow up but why for you?
9. Gets fidgety
UMLR: He is conscious that you are observing him; he wants to impress you and tries to be perfect in every way possible and in doing so he gets fidgety.
Reality: Hey girl, I forgot to take a bath today, I guess you can make it out from the smell of the country sweat. And also, I forgot to brush my teeth, do I smell of dead dinosaur?
10. He asks you what you think about certain other guys
UMLR: He wants to know your type of guy, what you like or don’t like a guy, in a way trying to fit him in your checklist.
Reality: Hey girl, you are so not my type, but I can help you in finding one, at least, you will stop bothering me.
11. Acts crazy when you are around
UMLR: Psychologist says that you are not normal in front of the thing you are really attracted to; he might be really attracted to you making him go crazy and act crazy.
Reality: Hey girl, you make me go crazy by your strange ways.

Final Verdict: My experiences say that if a guy really likes you, no matter how shy he is, he will, at least, make a move. He will call you <through classic or modern means, whichever suits fine>, or make an effort to convey the message that he likes you. If he does not make any move then he is either dumb or is a world class egoist or he is not at all into you. So, Hey girl! Open your eyes.

1 comment:

  1. I wish a certain gal would be lucky enough to read this... Good article btw.


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