Thursday, February 27, 2025

Naga Kitchen Garden Diaries: Organic Tomatoes


Most of us may have heard of ‘La Tomatina’ also known as, The Tomato Festival, celebrated in Spain. It started off in the year 1945, and is known as the biggest food fight in the world. The origin of this festival is crazy, mainly based on speculations. However, the largest producer of tomatoes in this world is China, followed by India, in case; it comes as a multiple choice question in one of the competitive exams. 

However, that is not the thing though. Just look at the pictures of freshly plucked red tomatoes from our kitchen garden, isn’t it amazing? They not only look good but they are tasty too. I just want to thank the Creator for blessing my mom with a green thumb. Last year, the price of tomato rocketed all time high to 90INR per kilo. That is when, my mom decided to grow our own tomatoes and the rest is tomato hi tomato. 

Anyway, tomato is a fruit that are considered vegetables by nutritionists. 

What are the health benefits of tomatoes?

  • Help improve Heart Health
  • May prevent Constipation
  • Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk
  • Support Brain Health 
  • Improves Vision 

Who should be cautious with tomatoes?

People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Acid reflux/GERD, Kidney stones and obviously, those have tomato allergy. 

In conclusion, I just want to say, I am learning, how to make tomato ketchup. Happy!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Love, Romance, and Pursuit of Self

Let’s discuss about, ‘The Idea of Love and Romance’. We must have come across this quote, ‘Romantic comedies are to women what porn is to men’. No matter how amusing it may sound, there is an element of truth in it; just that generalization should not be made. The love and romance in reel life is, the result of someone’s imagination and it goes through a rigorous process of editing whether in books or in movies to fit the likeness of the readers and audience. Love and romance in real life is much more than that, planning a romantic get together can be inspired by books and movies but one’s love is more organic and has higher personal feelings attached to it. Likewise, romance, a feeling of emotional attraction expressed through courtship/dating behaviours like thoughtful actions, gestures of affection, and through words or actions, often evolves through experiences or inspirations. But, maintaining the some level of love and keeping the same spark for years need effort, dedication, loyalty and time. In books and in movies, an issue is resolved by the end of the movie or book and it heads to happily forever but in real, the picture is different and sometimes, it never gets resolved leading to a fresh new chapter or scene in one’s life. 

The journey is filled with ups and downs made harder by choices, and in worst case, better options. Being practical is one thing and knowing the real meaning of sacrifice is another but in all these, knowing one’s self-worth and finding one’s happiness is supreme. How far can you go to keep your love and romance alive? We need not go too far, staying in one place and making wise decisions can save us from becoming the slaves of our disillusion. At the end of the day, we may not end up with the love of our life, and that’s okay but we should never fail to discover our own personal passion…because that’s the thing that keeps us alive. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

For A Bitter Reunion

Do you still talk about your poverty and daddy issues? 

I hope it gains sympathy and get love where ever you go,

Play all the cards, that's how you get invited,

The intro. 

I've heard, you've found someone new, 

And they say, the one who loved the least move on fast,

I never made any promises, you did, 

The main text. 

I don't count the penny or the time spent on you, 

I was always the generous one, that's the truth, 

You should have told me when you were leaving, 

The sub-text. 

Someday, when you will have mental issues, 

Think of me, but I promise, I won't haunt you, 

May your new love stay true and forever, 

The conclusion. 

Naga Kitchen Garden Diaries: Organic Tomatoes

  Most of us may have heard of ‘La Tomatina’ also known as, The Tomato Festival, celebrated in Spain. It started off in the year 1945, and i...