Monday, October 30, 2023

The World of The Undeserving

Have you ever wondered why some or say, most of the undeserving people are the ones who really succeed in life. Here, I mean the narrow definition of 'success'. Gets the top job, gets an amazing life partner, big house, dream vacation etc. When I was young, I really questioned God for creating such an unjust world. But, now that I am older and a bit wiser, I have realised, I have no right to decide who is 'deserving' and who is 'undeserving'. For I really don't know the story behind what made them achieve everything, which I could not. Maybe they used some crook tricks, maybe they made a pact with the devil, maybe they just got lucky, maybe they were blessed, maybe they worked really hard putting in all their dedication and passion. I don't want to be a toxic person, bitter to the core, burning with envy. Hence, I learnt to be happy for yours and to be contended with whatever little I have achieved and have. Alongside the sign of maturity, I have learnt, sometimes, we really don't know the void they have in their lives even if it seems or shows perfection from outside. 

And to the one who is reading this post, just know, you were meant to read this post for a reason, maybe, the Universe wants you to be happy and stop overthinking about your failures and success of others.  

May you have a productive month.

Naga Kitchen Garden Diaries: Organic Tomatoes

  Most of us may have heard of ‘La Tomatina’ also known as, The Tomato Festival, celebrated in Spain. It started off in the year 1945, and i...