Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Naga Students Studying in WhatsApp University

                               Image Source: Internet

                   WhatsApp University
          Motto: Everything Minus Facts.
Often a formal institute of learning demands certain age limit but this University is inclusive. Naga students studying here has acquired certain skills which would be helpful for them as well as for the society. Some  Naga alumni of this University are now famous but humble enough to request the writer not to mentioned their names. Anyway, the current profiles of the students are listed below.

1.Screen Shooter: Whether it is some confidential texts or heartwarming statuses, this shooter wants to shoot either for his already overloaded gallery or for mass circulation or for blackmailing in future. Warzone hero!

2.Exponent of Parallel Government: Turning WhatsApp into one's Instagram account should be a big No. Has Mark Zuckerberg bought both the services? Yes! Okay. Spamming is a virtual harassment, did you know that? Mute option is the saviour though.

3. The Nihilist: 'No Dp, No Status', Turn off the notification but secretly prey on everyone. This shadow user is undergoing a  major break-up phase or having a minor to serious break down in life but still WhatsApp is helpful. Hence, they exist not to exist.

4.Down with Deactivate to Activate Syndrome: This WhatsApp student is undergoing a disorder not a big one though, it is just a 'choice disorder'. One day or say, one week or one month later her deactivated account will be activated but she will deactivate again depending on her mood, circumstances and season. Crisis not Christ is.

6.Additional Expert: These experts are generally the Group admins who adds us in whatever groups they are in without asking for our permission. After adding us, they will only text us in the group chat but never in our individual account. We learn a lot about privacy from this WhatsApp University student. Consent please.

7.Best Forwarder: Not on football ground though. This WhatsApp student might be poor in solving a mathematical equation but when it comes to sharing a text, link, screenshot, snapshot etc, it takes no time for her to do what has to be done but of course without checking whether it is a fake stuffs which doesn't deserve to go viral. Nil in data mining no!

8.The Aggressive Downloader: Only wealthy individuals can collect relics but this 21st Century Torrent loving student is up for something different. He downloads statuses especially videos of his interest, which are often lame just to give it a refugee status. And like any other refugee, he respects them a lot. Not a bad policy though.

N.B. They are not on fee hike strike. Smart!

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