Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Sitting on my favourite couch in our favourite café, so apparent that things were not the same. I constantly looked at my wrist-watch, the coffee tasted bitter than usual, my favourite blueberry cupcake rested on the plate untouched. Everything had changed, the chemistry, the spark in our eyes, the comfort level, but one thing was the same, our smiles. He handed me his wedding card, I opened it, gave an unspoken judgement- what an ugly colour you have selected for the card! His eyes were misty; mine were not, because I was not wearing waterproof mascara. Complications began when he got a lucrative job, wanted to settle down just to make his parents happy by presenting a dozen of grandchildren, and the list rolled on. I was not ready, never was I. He thought I was complicated, I thought he was impractical. It was not his fault, it was not my fault, is just that both of us gave up listening to one another.

As the silence crept between us, I wanted to say something. If you think I wished him, “May you have a happy married life. May she always keep you happy.” Then, you are wrong. In this 21st Century, with advancement in technology, men do know how to keep themselves happy either through amusement or engagement. Rather, I asked, “Is she beautiful?” He was silent. I cleared my throat to rephrase, “Let me put it this way, is she more beautiful than me?”

He looked at my eyes and said, “There will never be any woman as beautiful as you.” His voice was filled with emotion.

“I love your honesty, I always did.” Saying that I looked at the window glass to have a look at my reflection.

P.S. This winter, I may not have enough cash to buy a white coat, and I don't know any eligible bachelor to give me a warm ride but I have my pride which is intact and tons of female friends who are sexier than the field of poppies.

Naga Kitchen Garden Diaries: Organic Tomatoes

  Most of us may have heard of ‘La Tomatina’ also known as, The Tomato Festival, celebrated in Spain. It started off in the year 1945, and i...