Monday, May 6, 2013


I am not generalizing but why do some guys cannot handle rejection? I mean the law of repulsion from her side might have been emitted because she did not like your body odor, or the cheap smell of your mouth, or your 101 problems, whatever it is, accept her decision like a pure gentleman for the best is yet to come. Listen to this,

My uncle who is now fifty told me when he was a young man of eighteen he hopelessly fell for a woman, and after months of self-control, he gathered up the courage to propose her. You have to salute his guts, in a youth gathering he used the microphone to utter what he felt. She made faces, rejected him, walked out from the room, on the top of it the laughter in the room was because he got her surname wrong. He found it too humiliating, so as a revenge he made a distorted version of the parachute from an old ugly multi-coloured umbrella, went to the school where her younger brother was studying, waited till the class got over, approached him by saying that he will teach him how to fly. The naïve boy of ten obeyed and followed him; they climbed up the steep, below of which was a long tank filled with cow-dung (it was an Army barrack area). Everything was going well until the little boy became reluctant to jump, no amount of coaxing could make him agree, finally, my uncle said, “It’s very easy, let me show you how.” He tied the rope which was extended from the umbrella around his waist, saying, “Alpha, Beta, Gamma Fly…..” he jumped. He landed on the tank, fainted but got painted with cow-dung, the army jawans pulled him out and took him to a hospital. 

Everyone made fun of him, anyway it did not last long, with a brain like that he became a Civil Engineer, married a woman who already knew this story, had three lovely daughters; and this story was narrated to me on the wedding day of his first daughter. He likes his son-in-law but is more grateful that nothing happened to his son-in-law’s uncle. Yes, the lady who rejected him years ago is his daughter’s mother-in-law. Everything happens for a reason...don’t be disgusted.

Naga Kitchen Garden Diaries: Organic Tomatoes

  Most of us may have heard of ‘La Tomatina’ also known as, The Tomato Festival, celebrated in Spain. It started off in the year 1945, and i...