Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Raven: Naga Version

I once sat near the door, my room doesn't have a window.

That day, I had a guest.

The guest was black, and I am not racist.

It was a raven bird, the indication of something sinister in most of the horror movies.

It looked sad, filled with negative energy.

I asked the guest, what brings you here?

That illiterate raven could speak only one  English word, Nevermore!

Every question I asked was met with the same reply, Nevermore!

Taylor Swift was better with her Evermore, I assumed.

Its Nevermore was plain annoying.

I tried chasing the guest away but like any other guest we know, the raven lacked the etiquette. 

I felt like torturing the guest in the Nazi way.

But I held on to my pacifist policy.

Just then I got an idea.

I brought my mobile phone, opened the YouTube app.

I screamed, Naga singers with American accent is going to help me. 

The plan worked, the raven flew away.

Just then I saw street urchins jumping with catapult in their hands.

The raven was on the ground, it was dead.

Soup for tonight! One said.

Never anymore! I replied.

For A Bitter Reunion

Do you still talk about your poverty and daddy issues?  I hope it gains sympathy and get love where ever you go, Play all the cards, that...